BJ Gamst Son Heung-min apologizes for XX-like XX swearing

BJ Gamst apologizes for swearing

BJ Gamst apologized after swearing to Son Heung-min during a live broadcast.

On the 16th, Gamst mentioned Son Heung-min’s injuries during the Premier League vs. Arsenal match against Tottenham vs. Arsenal in a personal broadcast on Africa TV on the 16th.

During his remarks, Gamst said, ‘Oh, why are you so pissed off that Son Heung-min was injured without really lying. He said it was XX` like XX.

When viewers pointed out the remarks through the chat window, Gamst belatedly apologized.

Gamst said, `It is a mistake to curse Son Heung-min. You cannot cover the sky with your hands. I’m not pretending to be poor. When I get scolded, I’ll get scolded greatly. I am sincerely sorry.

He added, ‘If I made an excuse, I was worried about Son Heung-min even when I turned it on live for the last time.’

On the same day, Gamst posted an apology video titled’Sorry’ on the YouTube channel.

In the video, Gamst said,’Today’s live broadcast was abusive. It is obviously my fault. He said, “I am sincerely sorry to player Son Heung-min.”

He said, “I used to swear a lot for the excuse of internet broadcasting, and viewers and subscribers usually told me to reduce swearing, but I couldn’t accept it so much, and in the end, it seems like I did such a big mistake. As a result of my remarks, I would like to say that I apologize once again because I think I have caused damage.

Lastly, Gamst said,’I will definitely apologize to Son Heung-min. I’m sincerely sorry,” he bowed his head.

Gamst, who has been popular by conducting internet broadcasting with contents such as soccer games, served as a publicity ambassador for the K-League 2018 season and also served as a soccer commentator at MBC.

tvX reporter Baek Jong-mo [email protected] / Photo = Gamst YouTube channel video capture
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