BJ Gamst clarifies’disappearance’ through live broadcast

BJ Gamst clarified the disappearance.

▲ Gamst is clarifying the’missing rumors’ through a live broadcast on Africa TV on the 28th. [아프리카TV 캡처]

On the 28th, Gamst said, “I’m sorry for the worries. I woke up and there was an article,” he said.

Gamst explained, “The stalker came to the studio again. I tried to broadcast it on mobile, but the stalker drove up to the house. Even if I reported it to the police, I returned it to my mind and body, so I decided to go live after clearing it up.” did.

He also said, “I’m going to come after a short break from the live broadcast.” Is trying to take a long break. I think it will be over a month.”

In particular, Gamst added, “I will come after reorganization. I will come with increased role skills.”

Finally, Gamst said, “I’m going to die. My head is really” and “Please understand.”

Earlier, the manager of YouTube channel’Gamtube’ left a post in a video comment, saying, “In fact, we are in a situation where we can’t even contact you, and it seems like there is no one at home, so it’s difficult to say something.” .

Accordingly, among fans, there were voices of concern about whether Gamst was missing, mentioning that Gamst was suffering from a stalker recently, and lighting that complained of suffering from depression.

Gamst is an African TV BJ specializing in games and sports. It is counted as a popular creator with over 2 million YouTube subscribers. He won the 2016 African TV BJ Grand Prize.

UPI News / Reporter Jiwon Kim [email protected]

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