BJ Gamdongran was insulted by the restaurant owner, “Do you wear X panties?” Storekeeper apology

Controversy over BJ impressions, sexual harassment insults by restaurant officials.

Controversy over BJ impressions, sexual harassment insults by restaurant officials.

While a female BJ who visited a restaurant in Busan was away, the scene where restaurant officials were sexually harassing and insulting about BJ became controversial over a live broadcast, and the restaurant owner posted a long apology.

On the 19th, BJ Gamdongran (hereinafter Impressionran) posted a video titled “Legend Science Time” on the YouTube channel “Gamdongran TV”.

In the video, the live video was edited shortly when Impression Ran visited a regular restaurant in Busan, and the scene of the restaurant officials making insulting back talks about the clothes and body of Impression Ran while he was away for a while. It was contained intact.

When Impressive-ran is gone, the restaurant officials turned to Impressive-ran, who was wearing a white one-piece, “I don’t know if you’re wearing pants (inside the one piece)” “I’m not wearing T-shirts” “Ah, I’m crazy X” “My breasts are made up” “It’s not very pretty “I don’t even do it” and so on.

After returning to his seat, Impressively understood the situation through comments and strongly protested that he called the employee to talk back.

When such a fact became controversial, the restaurant owner posted an apology late on the 21st and said, “I prostrate and apologize for hurting my heart and feeling of insult by broadcasting uncomfortable and unpleasant words and actions and back talks as they are.”

The store manager said, “I wish you forgiveness again and again to the people who watched the broadcast and to many customers who are angry after hearing this fact.” “My disrespect for not being thoroughly educated and managed is the greatest. If you give me a chance, I will reprimand and rebuke today.” He apologized, saying, “I will accept it sweetly, have good food, polite and kind words, and be faithful to each job.

The following is an apology from the president of a restaurant related to sexual harassment.

Hello, this is Wonjo OOO President.

After hearing about this unpleasant affair, he did not know what to do with embarrassment and embarrassment, but he apologizes despite his shame and concern.

A few days ago, while YouTuber came and went to the bathroom, uncomfortable and unpleasant words and actions and back talks between Aunt Hall Serving Aunt and Aunt Kitchen were broadcast as they were, so I fell on my face for hurting YouTubers and indelible insults. I apologize.

Also, I pray for forgiveness again and again for my anger and deep disappointment to the followers who watched the broadcast.

In addition, we wish to again and again forgive many of our customers who are angry after hearing this fact.

All of this is the greatest of my unwillingness to be thoroughly educated and managed.

If you give me a chance, I will sweetly accept today’s rebuke and rebuke, and I will be faithful to my job with good food, polite and kind words and actions.

I plead with you on my face to give me a chance to be born again today.

Dear President of Wonjo OOO.

Controversy over BJ impressions, sexual harassment insults by restaurant officials.

Controversy over BJ impressions, sexual harassment insults by restaurant officials.
