Bitcoin was once a risk of leading 50,000 dollars… Leaving the ants market (complementary)

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Bitcoin was once a risk of leading 50,000 dollars… Leaving the ants market (complementary)

Ants seem to be disposing of risky assets due to rising interest rates on the market

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Park Hyung-ki |
2021-03-26 06:30 Send

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Bitcoin is plunging as ants (individual investors) leave the cryptocurrency (virtual currency) market such as Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is recording $52,533, a drop of 3.93% from 24 hours ago in the coin market cap of the United States, which broadcasts the cryptocurrency (virtual currency) market as of 6:20 am on the 26th (Korean time).

A few hours ago, Bitcoin was threatened even as high as 50,000 dollars, plunging more than 7% to $5929.

As a result, Bitcoin plunged by 17% from its all-time high ($67,742) recorded in early March. However, compared to the previous year, it is still up 672%.

The reason why Bitcoin fell sharply on this day is because ants are stepping out of the risky asset market due to the increase in government bond yields (interest rates).

In addition, the $5 billion (5.672.5 trillion won) option, which expires on Friday, added volatility as the position liquidated, experts believe.

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