Bitcoin investment market grows… World’s No. 1 manager Black Rock joins

It is increasingly possible that BlackRock, the world’s number one asset under management, will be making full-fledged investments in Bitcoin, following Morgan Stanley.

On the 17th (local time), Managing Director Rick Ryder Blackrock told CNBC that the company is currently reviewing Bitcoin. “We also have more cash than ever because traditional hedging mechanisms do not work well, such as market interest is not a hedging tool,” he said. “But these days, we need to diversify our portfolio to fit the reality “Although the price volatility is high, it is an understandable decision for people to hold some of their assets in the form of virtual currency as well as cash.” In November of last year, Mr. Ryder said, “Bitcoin can replace gold, a traditional safe asset,” and “especially, millennials in their 20s and 30s will actively accept cryptocurrency.”

Previously, Blackrock added bitcoin to its investment products, and then submitted a plan to launch two ETFs investing in bitcoin futures to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, waiting for approval. have. Black Rock, headquartered in New York, USA, had an asset management scale of $8.68 trillion (about 9613 trillion won) as of the end of last year.

In this regard, the listing of the Bitcoin ETF was recently approved in Canada. The Perforce Bitcoin ETF, which has been reviewed by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), is expected to be traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange within this year.

Following the news this month that JPMorgan is considering investing in Bitcoin after media reports that Wall Street investment bank Morgan Stanley has invested 150 billion dollars in Bitcoin, Bitcoin has opened the “$50,000 era”. On the 17th in the New York Stock Market, Bitcoin mining company Riot blockchain surged 30.92% and marathon patents surged 9.96%. However, related stocks are highly volatile. On the same day, another miner, BitDigital, fell 5.66%.

[김인오 기자 / 신유경 기자]
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