Bioneer’Renal Fibrosis Treatment Efficacy’ Published in International Journal

Bioneer recently published a study that proved the efficacy of’kidney fibrosis’ treatment in an international journal. In an animal model experiment, the researchers delivered a therapeutic agent candidate (SAMiRNA-AREG) to the kidneys and reduced the factor that causes kidney fibrosis. Report Linker, a market research organization, predicts that the number of kidney diseases will increase continuously, and the related market will reach 14.6 trillion won by 2027.

On the 26th (local time), a paper was published in Scientific Reports on the efficacy of a candidate substance for the treatment of bione (SAMiRNA-AREG) in improving renal fibrosis. The research was jointly conducted by Bioneer, subsidiary Sunagen Therapeutics, and Professor Eun-young Lee of Soonchunhyang University Medical School.

Scientific Reports is an online open access journal published by Nature Publishing House. Mainly, research results in the fields of natural science and clinical science are published.

Fibrosis is a hardening of some organs. Fibrosis occurs when the fibrous connective tissue in the organ is excessively formed. Fibrosis is a phenomenon similar to the formation of scar tissue seen in the process of human wound healing. If the fibrosis process is not controlled, it can lead to pathological symptoms and cause organs to become irrecoverable.

Bioneer developed a new drug candidate (SAMiRNA-AREG) using the therapeutic platform technology (SAMiRNA). This new drug candidate has a function of inhibiting the Ampiregulin (AREG) gene, which causes renal fibrosis.

According to a paper published by the researchers, a study was conducted on animal models of the UUO (Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction), a model of renal fibrosis, and the Adenine Diet (AD), a model of chronic kidney disease. In an animal model experiment, the researchers confirmed that the drug candidate was delivered to the kidneys and confirmed the effect of reducing fibrosis and inflammatory markers. In addition, it has proven anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory effects by reducing EGFR phosphorylation. In the cell experiment, the antifibrotic effect was confirmed.

An official of CernaGen Therapeutics said, “Based on the efficacy data in vitro (In Vitro) and in vivo (In Vivo), therapeutic candidates improved kidney damage and proved the therapeutic effect.” “Therapeutic efficacy in animal model experiments Not only does it prove that it does not induce innate immunity, and it has also proven its stability in nonclinical toxicity tests.”

A Bioneer official said, “There are no treatments that target only renal fibrosis.”

Eun-young Lee, a professor at Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital, who participated in this study, received support from the project because he was carrying out a project to support the Ministry of Education and a project supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Korea Research Foundation.

☞[사이언티픽 리포트 연구 결과 논문]

Bioneer recently published a study that proved the efficacy of the treatment of’kidney fibrosis’ in an international journal Scientific Report. [사진=이미지투데이]

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