Bill Gates’Ending Corona 19, Very Easy Problem Compared to Climate Change’

  • Justin Lorat
  • Senior Environmental Reporter

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Gates said the world must achieve unprecedented innovation to tackle climate change.

These are the two numbers that Bill Gates said must be remembered to tackle climate change.

Microsoft’s founder and leading billionaire, he said, that tackling climate change “will be the most amazing thing humanity has ever done.”

He added that the end of the current epidemic of coronavirus infection (Corona 19) is “very, very easy” compared to stopping climate change.

Last week he told me not to underestimate the threat of climate change, saying, “Historically, there has been no such transition period in the next 30 years. It was unprecedented.”

What is Gates trying to talk about in his new book, How to Avoid Climate Disaster?

‘Don’t underestimate’

51 billion tons is the amount of greenhouse gases emitted every year around the world.

0 is the direction in which carbon dioxide emissions should go.

Gates argues that measures should be taken to reduce emissions as net zero, that is, carbon-neutral, that is, GHG emissions.

A way to achieve this is by planting trees that absorb carbon dioxide.

But Gates focuses on a slightly more technical solution.

Eco-friendly alternatives such as solar and wind power can also help reduce emissions. However, he pointed out that these eco-friendly energy sources do not perform even 30% of the required decarbonization scale.

Controlling the remaining 70% of emissions requires innovation in many fields, including cement, iron, transportation, and chemical fertilizers.

And right now, there is no way to realize change simultaneously in so many fields.

The role of the government

To solve this, Gates said, the world must achieve unprecedented innovation. And he insisted that the government should lead the innovation.

The current economic system does not reflect the cost of using fossil fuels.

Most users who use fossil fuels to power their homes or fuel their vehicles do not pay for the pollution they cause.

Gates urged the government to intervene, saying, “People do not see the pain caused by carbon dioxide emissions now.”

He also said that the government should “tell the private sector its willingness to want green products through a price signal.”

Gates further argued that the government should not only invest heavily in research and development, but also help lower prices by helping the market for new products and technologies grow.

Earlier, Gates was famous for arguing that regulation curbs innovation in the process of making Microsoft a multi-billion dollar giant.

That’s why Gates’ attitude now seems contradictory.

However, he said he has always supported “the government’s fundamental responsibility for providing direction in justice, education and scientific research.”

Gates also added that it is impossible to get out of the climate problem, and if governments around the world do not intervene, people living near the equator, especially those living near the equator, will face disaster.

Hence, he said, the Republican Party of the United States needs to recognize the importance of responding to climate change.

“There is a need for 30 years of continuous push,” Gates said. “Unless the market signals are constant and clear, the business cannot change all of its physical infrastructure.”

Simply traveling less, eating local food, and conserving electricity doesn’t solve the problem.

Gates said that the overall energy demand itself will not decrease, taking as an example of developments in India that will continue to build numerous houses, air conditioners, and light up dark nights.

Rather, he said the political act of monitoring the government to do the right thing is more important. He also said that it is important to put the same pressure on companies as consumers.

He said, “By buying an electric car, eating a hamburger with meat substitutes, and buying an electric-powered heat pump, you are helping to mass-produce these products, contributing to price competitiveness.”

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Justin Loratt, BBC Sr. Environmental Reporter, conducts video interview with Bill Gates at the Natural History Museum in London.

That doesn’t mean he refused to live the life of a billionaire himself.

Gates still flies on his own aircraft.

But he said his aircraft is powered by plant-based biofuels.

“I pay more than three times the fuel price. I’m making over 7 million dollars in’offset spending’ a year.”

He also took part in the bid for the acquisition of Signature Aviation, one of the world’s largest private jet service companies.

Would the person who wrote the book about doing everything to stop climate change an appropriate action?

“I don’t think it makes sense to get rid of flights,” Gates defended.

He added that the answer should be biofuels and electric fuels that are not expensive and do not emit carbon.

Corona 19 conspiracy theory

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Gates, who has always been a voice in the public health field, has also been the subject of Corona 19 conspiracy theories.

Gates has become a kind of’ghost’ to Corona 19 conspiracy theorists.

It is at the center of the conspiracy theory that world elites have created viruses in secret labs as part of a project to reduce the world’s population, and are trying to implant microchips to track and control people using vaccines.

When asked about the conspiracy theory, Gates laughed, saying, “Why would I want to track people down?” and “I’m not very interested in where people are going.”

To date, the main focus of his great philanthropy has been addressing health problems in developing countries.

He said he was used to people who get bored when talking about tuberculosis and malaria at cocktail parties.

He said he was concerned that this could happen in relation to climate change.

“I don’t want to dilute my voice on issues like polio eradication or malaria,” Gates explained, “but I felt it was the right time to announce a plan to tackle climate change.”

He then said he wants his ideas to be reflected in a green stimulus package being proposed worldwide, and discussed at an important climate conference in Glasgow in the UK this November.

Gates believes we are at an important point in the climate debate.

He saw that the younger generation had a “moral belief” that they should be involved in solving problems. “Now we have to bring that energy and turn it toward a policy that will bring about change,” he argued.

However, he predicted that solving the problem would not be easy, and said that the world should make this a priority every year.

Gates said there is also hope that if you are “a little lucky,” you will be able to succeed in developing innovative new technologies that can actually solve the difficulties.

He is still optimistic that we can avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

“I’ve already experienced it many times. Innovation surprises us in a positive way.”
