Bill Gates “need to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions”

“We emit 51 billion tons of greenhouse gases each year. To stop global warming and avoid the worst of climate change, we must stop emitting greenhouse gases. The only goal is to achieve zero.”

Bill Gates (66), co-founder of Microsoft and co-chair of the Bill and Merlinda Gates Foundation, discussed the need for climate change-related responses in’Bill Gates, How to Avoid Climate Disaster’ (Kim Young-sa), which is simultaneously published worldwide on the 16th. Emphasize.

▲ Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft.

51 billion tons is based on the carbon dioxide conversion ton (CO₂e·greenhouse gas converted into carbon dioxide emissions) method.

He has been paying attention to climate change, including supporting the commercialization of climate-related technologies, including clean energy, by creating an investment fund’Evolutionary Energy Alliance’. After 10 years of research, he has been focusing on’The Road to the Future’ (1995) and’Thoughtfulness of Thought’. He published his third book after’Speed’ (1999).

◇ “As fatal as Corona 19… mortality increased 5 times in 2100”

The book compares climate change with the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). The authors say that the damage to humans and economic difficulties caused by the pandemic (a global pandemic) is at the same level as the periodic damage that would occur if carbon emissions were not removed.

Using the mortality rate, which represents the number of deaths per 100,000, he claims that if Corona 19 persists, there will be 14 deaths per 100,000 per year. It is argued that the increase in carbon emissions will lead to 14 deaths per 100,000 people in the middle of the 21st century and 75 deaths per 100,000 people at the end of the 21st century.

Based on these figures, he argues, “By the middle of the 21st century, climate change will be as fatal as Corona 19,” and “by 2100, it will record five times the mortality rate.” He also emphasized that “in the next 10 or 20 years, the impact of climate change on the economy will be as serious as the pandemic of the size of Corona 19 occurs every 10 years.”

The author said that the temperature of the earth has risen by at least 1℃ compared to before the industrial revolution, and if the emission of carbon dioxide is not stopped, the earth’s temperature in the middle of the 21st century will rise by 1.5~3℃ and by the end of the 21st century, the temperature of the earth will rise by 4~8℃. “1~2℃ is a very serious problem in climate,” he says.

It also predicts that the world’s population will increase to 10 billion at the end of the 21st century, and that a city the same size as New York City will be built every month for the next 40 years. Although such economic growth and urbanization improve the quality of life, it is not good for climate change, he pointed out that “16% of the richest people in the world emit 40% of the world’s greenhouse gases.”

◇ Pay attention to’electricity production’ in the field of greenhouse gas emission… Emphasis on innovation

The book divides the areas that emit greenhouse gases into five and sees how innovations can be made to lower the green premium (the extra cost of working in a way that does not emit carbon dioxide). By emissions, manufacturing (31%), electricity generation (27%), animal and plant breeding and cultivation (19%), transportation and transportation (16%), and air conditioning and heating (7%).

The author focuses on power generation and discusses nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, offshore wind, and geothermal heat as methods of making carbon-free electricity. It is affirmed that nuclear power generation using nuclear fission can be produced on a large scale regardless of the day or night and season, and is the only energy source that does not generate carbon.

He also acknowledges the dangers of nuclear power plants, taking for example the Three Mile Island in the United States, Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union, and Fukushima in Japan. He also adds that uranium, a fuel, is used as a weapon in wartime, and waste is difficult to dispose of.

However, he argues, “Nuclear power kills far fewer people than cars or fossil fuels,” he argues. “As if we improved the problems of automobiles, we must analyze the nuclear power plant problems one by one, and then solve and improve them through innovation.”

The book also points to the part of raising animals for food. It raises 1 billion cows worldwide, and the methane that cows emits through burping and farting causes a warming effect such as 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide, and it is 4% of greenhouse gas emissions. Some suggest that alternatives such as vegetable meat or cultured meat should be discussed, and changes should be made to eating habits such as eating less meat.

◇ “The role of the government is important… Setting the goal of achieving zero carbon by 2050”

The author prioritizes the role of the government by talking about what actors such as the government, corporations, and individuals can do for zero greenhouse gas emissions. He believes that the role of government is important in creating the right incentives for large-scale projects such as decarbonization of the global economy and ensuring that the overall system works for everyone.

The book appeals that ideas that are unclear about their success and that need to be lingered longer than desired by banks and investors can be fully developed with government policy support and investment. They say you need to be able to share the right solution.

The author also suggests that in order to escape from fossil fuels, the elements of technology, policy, and market must complement each other and move. “When we focus on this factor at the same time, we can encourage innovation, stimulate new companies and bring new products to market quickly,” he says.

In particular, it also mentions what the central governments of all countries should do. It stresses the need to set goals for rich countries to achieve zero carbon as quickly as possible by 2050 and immediately after 2050 for middle-income countries. It also adds that appropriate policies and market structures must be created by 2030 to achieve this goal.

Of course, individuals say they can make a difference. It suggests ways to make companies aware of demand by pressing phone calls or letters to keep politicians interested in climate change policies, or by purchasing ultra-high efficiency light bulbs and electric cars.


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