Bill Gates’ daughter jokes, “You can’t get a brain transplant because you get a vaccine.”

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Bill Gates’ daughter jokes, “You can’t get a brain transplant because you get a vaccine.”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Kang Min-kyung |
2021-02-15 07:26 sent

Jennifer Gates, daughter of Bill Gates. <출처=제니퍼 게이츠 인스타그램>

Bill Gates, the daughter of the founder of Microsoft (MS), joked about the conspiracy theories surrounding her father after being vaccinated against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

According to CNN, Jennifer Gates announced her vaccination on Instagram on the 12th (local time) and said, “Sadly, the vaccine couldn’t implant my father’s genius into my brain. That’s the power of mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid). If there was,” he posted.

These remarks are interpreted with the intent to refute the conspiracy theories surrounding Bill Gates.

Among conspiracy theorists against vaccines, there was a bizarre story about Bill Gates trying to use the spread of Corona 19 to spread a vaccine with microchips that could control people’s psychology or track their location.

In the photo, Jennifer is wearing a mask and holding a badge and a syringe that says’I got the Corona 19 vaccine’. “As a medical student and aspiring doctor, I am grateful that the vaccine will protect and safeguard my future doctor activities,” he said, encouraging others to get vaccinated as well.

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