Bill Gates: “Bitcoin’s environmental costs aren’t good… bad for the climate”

[이데일리 이정훈 기자] Microsoft founder Bill Gates set a day of criticism, saying that the process of mining and trading Bitcoin is not good for the climate as it incurs incredibly high environmental costs.

Bill Gates

Gates founder pointed out in an interview with the local New York Times on the 9th (local time) that “Bitcoin consumes more electricity per transaction than any other method known to mankind.”

Like other virtual assets, Bitcoin also has the problem of ensuring transparency of transactions by recording every single transaction in a public ledger, so in the process, it must continuously use electricity and require new storage space. In particular, many bitcoin mining companies are based in China, and most of the electricity used at this time also uses fossil fuels.

Gates also seems to point out that the more popular virtual assets, including bitcoin, have a greater impact on the environment. In fact, according to Digikonomist, the carbon emission required for a single bitcoin transaction is known to be equivalent to the processing of 73,5121 Visa card transactions or 5,5280 hours of YouTube viewing.

However, Gates founder said, “The challenges surrounding the impact of bitcoin on the environment can be overcome.”

Gates recently announced the turn of a’Bitcoin Critic’, saying, “I personally have a neutral view of Bitcoin,” but since then, “If you don’t have as much money as Elon Musk Tesla’s CEO, invest in bitcoin. You have to be careful about it.” He still showed an uncomfortable view.

Meanwhile, in connection with the findings of the founder of Gates, the investment company Seetee said, “Plan to utilize renewable energy assets for bitcoin mining,” and they are mining wind power, hydrogen power, solar power, etc. that they are investing in. He said he would use it for.
