Biden’s trouble… Saudi Binsal alone-Maeil Economy

On the 25th (local time), a satellite photo was released showing the post-war raids of pro-Iran militias by US forces in eastern Syria.  It can be seen that about 10 buildings (left) that were located on a large flat area before the air raid were damaged and burned by the US pro-Iran militia raid.  Satellite imagery was provided by Maxa Technologies.  
[AP = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationOn the 25th (local time), a satellite photo was released showing the post-war raids of pro-Iran militias by US forces in eastern Syria. It can be seen that about 10 buildings (left) that were located on a large flat area before the air raid were damaged and burned by the US pro-Iran militia raid. Satellite imagery was provided by Maxa Technologies.
[AP = 연합뉴스]

Joe Biden’s U.S. administration fell into a dilemma over establishing a relationship with the Saudi Arabian royal family, a traditional Middle Eastern friend. On the 26th (local time), the Biden government imposed visa restrictions on 76 Saudi Arabians in connection with the assassination of journalist Jamal Kashqji. Secretary of State Tony Blincoln warned that “the United States will not tolerate Saudi threats and attacks against dissidents and journalists.”

On the same day, the U.S. National Intelligence Service (DNI) declassified a report on the killing of Kashukji in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey in October 2018, and then released it.

At the time, Kashqji, who was working as a columnist for the Washington Post, continued to criticize the Saudi political system and was in conflict with the royal family.

The former administration of Donald Trump was conscious of relations with Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi government closed the situation by imprisoning eight defendants accused of killing them with a sentence of 7-20 years in prison. According to the four-page report, intelligence agencies such as the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) evaluated that Crown Prince Muhammad Binsalman, Saudi chief executive officer, approved the capture or killing of Kashqji. Given the circumstances in which seven private guards participated in the murder, it is certain that there was an order from Prince Bin Salman.

President Joe Biden is said to have sought patience by talking directly with King Salman bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, Saudi’s supreme ruler and father of Crown Prince Bin Salman. However, in response to such a measure, a headwind blew amid the reaction of “an lukewarm measure” in the United States. This is because the Crown Prince Binsalman, who is the chief executive officer of the case, was left out of the sanctions. Although the Biden administration tried to make an image of emphasizing human rights, criticism that it was merely imitating sanctions that were insignificant was poured out even inside the Democratic Party. Democratic Senator Richard Bluemansol said, “You must not let the Crown Prince escape from the heinous murders.” “You have to send a signal.”

In response, President Biden met with reporters on the 27th and said, “There will be an announcement on Saudi Arabia on Monday (March 1).” However, the prospect that the Biden administration will not be able to impose substantial sanctions against the royal family is dominant, given its relationship with Saudi Arabia.

[워싱턴 = 신헌철 특파원]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
