Biden “There will be fierce competition with China…a different way from Trump” | Voice of America

US President Joe Biden said there is no reason for direct conflict with China, but that there will be “extreme competition” between the US and China.

President Biden made such a stance on US-China relations in an interview with the US broadcaster’CBS’ that aired yesterday (7th).

“But it won’t do it the way former President Donald Trump did, and President Xi Jinping is sending such a signal,” said President Biden. “We will focus on international rules.”

Regarding President Xi Jinping, he explained that he was “very smart and tough, but not democratic at all.”

President Biden also commented on not talking to President Xi on the phone, “I have not had a chance to speak with him yet. There is no reason not to call.” He said, “I know him pretty well,” including spending a lot of time with President Xi Jinping when he was Vice President in the past.

Meanwhile, President Biden repeatedly reaffirmed his position that Iran will not lift economic sanctions until it adheres to the nuclear agreement (JCPOA).

President Biden answered no to the question, “Will Iran lift sanctions to return to nuclear negotiations,” and said Iran should stop enriching uranium.

Earlier, Iran’s top leader Ali Hamenei said the United States should lift sanctions completely if the United States wants to return to Iran’s nuclear agreement.

“This is a decisive and irreversible policy, and all Iranian officials unanimously agree, and no one will get out of here.”

VOA news
