Biden succeeded in winning the Senate and House of Representatives, but’one-way passage’ is impossible

With the victory of the Georgia Senate, the Democratic House and the Senate are the majority
Negotiation is inevitable in 50:50 situations

[아시아경제 나주석 기자] The US Democratic Party prevailed over the Senate and the House of Representatives as they both won the Georgia final vote, which elects two senators. The Democratic Party has also secured a legislative branch following the administration, so that President-elect Joe Biden’s reform can also speed up.

On the 6th (local time), the Washington Post (WP) and other US media reported that Democratic Party Senator John Ossoff won a final vote over Republican Senator David Purdue. Candidate Osoff gained 50.3%, ahead of Purdue, who voted 49.7%, by 0.6 percentage points. Earlier, Democratic candidate Rafael Warnock won 50.7 percent of the vote, overtaking Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler, who voted 49.3 percent.

Biden succeeded in winning the Senate and House of Representatives, but'one-way passage' is impossible

This time, as the Democratic Party prevailed over the Georgia senator, it could become the Senate majority. In the November election last year, the Democratic and Democratic independent Senate seats were all 48 seats, while the Republican Party secured 50 seats. In this election, the Republican Party could have become a majority with 51 seats if it had won at least one place, but both were lost and lost to the Democratic Party. With this election, both Democrats and Republicans have the same seats in the Senate at 50-50.

Biden-elect confirmed that the Democratic Party would pursue a large-scale economic stimulus plan as the Senate became the majority party after the House of Representatives. Congratulating Candidate Warnock and Candidate Osov’s victory, he said, “Georgia voters sent a message that they want immediate action against crises such as the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) and economic stimulus measures.” 19 The stimulus package is a kind of undertaking.” They expressed their will to provide economic stimulus measures exceeding the scale of 900 billion dollars (about 979 trillion won).

Biden-elect and the Democratic Party dominated both the Senate and House for the first time since 2011, giving them the power to speed up reforms. Conversely, the Republican Party has lost its main base to put a brake on the reforms of the Biden government.

However, even though the Democratic Party has achieved so-called “triple crowns,” which dominate the Senate and House of Representatives after the President, it is predicted that one-way state administration will be difficult.

In the case of the US Senate, for example, more than 60 votes are required to break through the obstruction of parliamentary action through’filibuster’ during the bill discussion process. If the Republican Party says it will block matters of disagreement, such as health insurance reform or the Green New Deal-related legislation, the Phillybuster cannot be terminated by the Democratic Party with 50 senators. For this reason, agreement is inevitable.

In addition, it should be noted that the Democratic and Republican seats do not show much difference. Due to the nature of the U.S. Congress, where the opinions of individual members of the Congress are strong, individual members of the Congress have strong voice. This is because there are lawmakers who can vote differently from the party opinion depending on the issue, making it difficult to crack down on votes.

However, the biden administration’s cabinet hearings can be easily conducted. Unlike the bill, in the case of a motion for appointment, it is possible to appoint only 51 votes. For this reason, it is possible to proceed with a sense of speed in the case of appointing judges from cabinet ministers.

Reporter Juseok Na [email protected]
