Biden speaks with the Mexican President… Immigration-Corona 19 Discussion

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Biden speaks with the Mexican President… Immigration-Corona 19 Discussion

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Ki-rim Shin |
2021-01-23 11:16 sent

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. © Reuters = News 1

U.S. President Joe Biden and Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador talked on the phone to discuss the epidemic and immigration issues.

According to Reuters and AFP, Mexican President Obrador made a short phone call with the US leader on the afternoon of the 22nd (local time) through a short Twitter.

Mexican President Obrador said that he made a “pleasant but polite” phone call with US President Biden and briefly discussed immigration, pandemic, and economic development.

Since taking office on the 20th, President Biden made a second phone call with Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after taking office on the phone with the Mexican president, who shares the border to the south.

Among the 17 executive orders signed by President Biden on the day of his inauguration, including the cessation of the emergency effect of building a barrier on the border with Mexico.

According to a White House spokesman, President Biden will speak with additional foreign leaders next week. But Biden’s first overseas trip will take some time, the spokesman said.

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