‘Biden public support’ Jennifer Lopez celebrates inauguration ceremony

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‘Biden public support’ Jennifer Lopez celebrates inauguration ceremony

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Seoyoon Choi |
2021-01-15 08:56 sent | 2021-01-15 08:58 Last modified

Jennifer Lopez performance. © AFP=News1 material photo © News1 Woo Dongmyeong

American singer and actor Jennifer Lopez will perform at the inauguration ceremony of President-elect Joe Biden on the 20th, CNN and others reported.

Jennifer Lopez, a Hispanic descent, represented Latino voters through a video chat with Biden, ahead of the presidential election last October. At the time, she said, “The Latino community was one of the minorities who suffered the most damage from Corona 19.”

After the video chat was over, Biden said, “Jennifer told me that’the Latin community has the power to influence the election results’,” he thanked.

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden tweets. © News1

Jennifer Lopez, who has publicly supported Biden-elect, has been encouraging Latino voters to participate in voting through Instagram posts before the presidential election.

Meanwhile, the nation is sung by pop singer Lady Gaga. The performance will be held in front of the front gate of the National Assembly building while the national defense forces stand guard.

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