Biden Pentagon Nos. 1 and 2 3 are all allies…

Elect Joe Biden, who takes office next month as the US president, has filled the Pentagon (the Department of Defense) with allies.

Catherine Hicks nominated for the first female assistant secretary
As Vice President, Security Aide as Vice Minister
Minister-nominee is “strongest when working with an alliance”

Catherine Hicks nominated for US Secretary of Defense. [위키미디어]

Catherine Hicks nominated for US Secretary of Defense. [위키미디어]

Biden-elect’s acquisition committee announced on the 30th (local time) that Catherine Hicks, deputy director of the Institute for Strategic and International Affairs (CSIS) and director of the International Security Program, will be appointed as the Minister of Defense. The Minister of Defense is second only to the Minister of Defense. When Higgs’ nominee is approved by the Senate, he becomes the first women’s defense minister.

Nominee Hicks served as Senior Deputy Deputy Secretary of Defense at the time of President Barack Obama. “The nominee Hicks was involved in implementing President Obama’s’pivot to Asia’,” said Politico, a political media in the United States. “He made frequent contributions on the rise of China.”

In a CSIS report after the first North Korea-US summit meeting in Singapore in June 2018, he said in a CSIS report, “The unilateral reduction of US forces in Korea should continue to be excluded from the negotiating table.” It undermines the ability to protect and diminishes its advantage against potential military threats from China and Russia.” Such an opinion shows that he is a representative school of allies in the field of foreign and security in the United States.

Biden-elect previously appointed an alliance as the nominee for the secretary of defense. Defense Minister Lloyd Austin’s nominee declared at a press conference on the 9th that “the United States is the strongest when it comes to cooperation with the alliance.” Originally, the Pentagon’s leadership was, of course, an alliance regardless of the Democratic and Republican regimes. But in the Donald Trump administration, President Trump’s “America First” foreign policy was highlighted and allies were unable to come to the fore.

Colin Carl, U.S. Deputy Deputy Deputy Secretary of Defense for Policy. [위키미디어]

Colin Carl, U.S. Deputy Deputy Secretary of Defense for Policy Nominee. [위키미디어]

Biden-elect has nominated Senior Research Fellow Colin Carl of the Freemans Foghley Institute for International Studies as the Deputy Minister for Policy at the Ministry of Defense. The vice minister in charge of policy is the number 3 digit of the Ministry of Defense. The nominee for Carl is also known as an alliance.

In July 2018, in a foreign policy article, he said, “President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un know what the Singapore-North Korea-US summit agreement really means. They didn’t agree with each other.” At the same time, he emphasized that the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue should not be an event like the North Korean-US summit, but “a gradual agreement should be achieved through strengthening deterrence and regional alliances, nuclear freeze through bilateral and multilateral negotiations, and building trust.”

Domestic diplomatic and security officials say that Hicks and Carl are not heavyweights. It is interpreted that Higgs was appointed by former deputy defense minister Michelle Planoi, who was influential as a female defense minister, to appease the women’s world for his downfall. Carl is a’biden man’ with a career as a security adviser when he was Vice President Joe Biden. It is also known as an expert on Middle East issues.

The background in which Biden’s core of the U.S. Department of Defense is allied is the intention of implementing his foreign and security policy, emphasizing the value of the alliance. Kim Hyun-wook, a professor at the National Institute of Foreign Affairs, said, “After Biden’s inauguration as a member of the Ministry of Defense, there is an intention to create a multilateral security system in the Asia-Pacific region. It is highly likely that this will eventually turn into an alliance against China. “The US will require South Korea to actively participate in the anti-Chinese front.”

Reporter Lee Cheol-jae [email protected]
