Biden Era… Must actively participate in the’liberal democratic value alliance’

[바이든 정부 출범…(1) 리빌딩 한미관계]

US to check China and pressure to denuclearize North Korea

Promoting policies with the focus of’Alliance Solidarity’

Korea is inevitable to amend its policy toward North Korea

On the 6th (local time), four days before the inauguration of the US president, a working crew is moving a bunch of wires in front of the Capitol in Washington, DC, where preparations are in full swing. Elect Joe Biden will take office as the 46th President of the United States here on the 20th. While the number of attendance at the inauguration ceremony is limited to 1,000, more than 25,000 state national defense forces are guarded closely. /AP Yonhap News

As U.S. President-elect Joe Biden takes office on the 20th, voices are rising that Korea’s foreign policy needs to be radically changed. It is pointed out that the diplomatic line should be reset in the direction of strengthening the economic network with the free camp, including the traditional ROK-US security alliance, rightly facing the values ​​of democracy and liberalism, human rights, and market economy that the Biden government aims.

US President-elect Joe Biden / Yonhap News

Major diplomatic experts from South Korea and the United States expressed a consensus on the 17th that the Biden administration will work with allies to press the denuclearization of North Korea and check China’s hegemony. It is expected that the game will be different from the time of the Donald Trump administration, when the alliance was judged by money instead of value and caused isolation. Park Hwi-rak, a professor at Kookmin University’s Graduate School of Political Science, said, “The Biden government must already understand the diplomatic line of the Moon Jae-in administration. Above all, we must firmly restore the ROK-US alliance and stop looking at North Korea anymore.” This means that if you look at the alliance issue in the framework of inter-Korean relations, you can make decisions that are contrary to national interests.

In fact, Biden elected key diplomatic and security staff members, saying, “It symbolizes the core conviction that the United States is stronger when working with the alliance.” The resurgence of the alliance inevitably demands a major shift in South Korea’s’autonomous’ diplomacy. Kim Hyun-wook, a professor at the National Institute of Foreign Affairs, diagnosed, “If the government halts ROK-US joint training to prepare a breakthrough in inter-Korean relations, there is a high possibility that differences between the ROK and the US will be exposed.

In addition, advice was suggested that the Korean government, which has taken an ambiguous position in the midst of the US-China conflict, should now clarify the’US First’ route and redefine its role as a focal point for the free camp. To this end, the improvement of Korea-Japan relations was pointed out as an urgent task. Ki-wook Shin, director of the Asia Pacific Research Institute at Stanford University, said, “Korea has been marginalized by being excluded from the’Quad (the security council of the United States, Japan, India, Australia)’ and the’Comprehensive and Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (CPTPP)’, while Japan has been leading it.” “As Korea-Japan relations are a key issue of the Korea-US-Japan triangular alliance, we must consider improving relations,” he said.
/Gyeonghwan Yoon· New York = Correspondent Youngpil Kim [email protected]

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