Biden, as a pledge, Gyeong-Jil, an assistant spokesman for’Makmal’

Former White House deputy spokesman TJ The Claw, Politico's Tara Palmeori, and ``The Claw's Lover,'' McCammond (from left)

Former White House deputy spokesman TJ The Claw, Politico’s Tara Palmeori, and “The Claw’s Lover,” McCammond (from left)

“Anyone who treats a colleague disrespectfully and disregards someone promises to fire him on the spot. No excuses will work.” U.S. President Joe Biden told White House officials after taking his oath of office on Jan. During the Donald Trump administration, it was a special warning to get out of the White House culture, where there was a lot of slander and mutual slander, and to protect dignity and courtesy. Biden put his words into action in less than a month.

Immediately after taking office, “Immediate dismissal of rude person”
The Claw, to this person who covered the love history
“Are you jealous of wanting to sleep?” Extinguish

White House spokesman Jen Saki announced the resignation of Deputy Spokesman TJ Duclaw on the 14th (local time). It turned out that The Klaw was forced to stop posting articles by sexually abusing a female reporter who covered her private life. The White House recently accepted the resignation of Ducklo after the case remained silent for more than three weeks, when public opinion worsened.

According to Vanity Fair, an American culture and fashion magazine, reporter Tara Palmeori of Politico, a political media outlet, reported on an article last month that Deputy Deputy spokesman Ducklo and Alexy McCammond of Internet media Axios had a relationship. The conflict between the two sides began around January 20, when President Biden took office. Reporter Palmeori’s male colleague left a message to Deaklaw’s deputy spokesman to get a response, Vanity Fair reported that the Claw called reporter Palmeori directly and threatened to “destroy you” if the report goes out. Deputy spokesman The Claw did not stop there, and reported that reporter Palmeori was jealous of the relationship between him and reporter McCammond and tried to write an article. Vanity Fair said that in the past, a man was jealous of the fact that he wanted to sleep with a reporter McCammond rather than a reporter Palmeori.

The next day, Politico called for appropriate action against The Claw from senior public affairs officers, including White House spokesman Saki. However, the White House announced that only after Vanity Fair’s report came out on the 12th, “Deputy Spokesman The Claw apologizes to the victim and goes into unpaid suspension for a week. Even if he returns, he will not be in charge of Politico-related work.” When the White House public affairs team showed such a lukewarm attitude, public opinion worsened, and the decision to resign was made only after President Biden received a report of the situation.

According to Politico, Axios’ reporter McCammond continued to enter Biden Camp and reported on the elect even after he informed the management of his relationship with The Claw in November last year. Politico said the private relationship between White House officials and the journalists covering them is worth reporting in terms of media ethics.

Washington = Correspondent Park Hyun-young [email protected]
