Biden and Putin make first phone call…Agree to extend nuclear disarmament agreement

U.S.-Russia agrees on the most pressing issues between the two countries
In addition to the nuclear agreement, issues such as Navalni and Ukraine are discussed.



[아시아경제 이현우 기자] U.S. President Joe Biden held a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time after taking office, and agreed to extend the “New Strategic Arms Reduction Agreement” (New Start), which was the most pressing issue in the relationship between the U.S. and Russia. did.

On the 26th (local time), according to foreign media such as Russia’s Tas News, President Biden and President Putin had a phone call that day and agreed to extend the New Start Treaty for five years. TAs reported that the US-Russian diplomatic authorities exchanged diplomatic notes on the extension of the news start on the same day. In a note delivered to Russia through the Embassy of Russia, the US suggested extending the term of the treaty by five years, and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a response note that it would accept the proposal. Accordingly, the New Start Treaty became effective until February 5, 2026.

White House spokesman Jen Saki explained the telephone talks between the two leaders through a press briefing on the same day. “We raised concerns about the issue of Russian intervention and attempts to poison Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalni in last year’s presidential election.” “President Biden made it clear that the United States will act decisively to protect the national interests in response to the actions of Russia that harm us or our alliance,” he said.

The Russian Kremlin said today that President Putin submitted a bill to his House of Representatives to ratify the agreement on a five-year extension without prerequisites for the New Start Agreement. President Putin introduced the ratification supplementary manual that “in January this year, the two sides agreed in principle to extend the treaty by five years, and on January 26th, an agreement on extending the treaty was signed between the two countries.” The Russian House and Senate are scheduled to deliberate on the ratification bill on the 27th.

The Kremlin said, “President Putin expressed satisfaction with the conclusion of the agreement on the extension of the New Start Treaty today and the exchange of diplomatic notes. In a few days, the two sides We will finish the process.

Meanwhile, the New Start Treaty is a nuclear disarmament agreement signed by US President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in April 2010. The main goal is to reduce the number of nuclear warheads deployed by the US and Russia to less than 1550, and to reduce the number of carriers such as intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), submarine launch ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and strategic bombers to 700 or less respectively. At the time of the Donald Trump administration, the United States insisted that China should be included in the agreement, and the disagreement grew deeper, including Russia and China backlashing, and the credit came to the Biden administration.

Reporter Lee Hyun-woo [email protected]
