Bereaved family of the Sewol ferry shaved in front of the Blue House “Prosecutors’ special group gave indulgence”

The families of the Sewol ferry shaved in front of the Blue House, and they condemned the announcement of a special investigation team (special means) for the recent Sewol ferry disaster. The bereaved families also announced that President Moon Jae-in should promise new orders for the investigation.

On the 22nd, in front of the fountain of the Blue House in Seoul, the 4.16-year-old family council, the 4.16 regiment, and the 4.16 citizens and Koreans jointly concentrated action, announced that they would engage in a joint intensive action until the 7th anniversary of the Sewol ferry disaster. They said that they would inform and appeal that the Moon Jae-in government is responsible for finding out the truth without sanctuary and punishing the person in charge until the 7th anniversary of the Sewol ferry disaster through joint action. He also said that he would light a candle in front of the Blue House every evening.

Earlier, as a result of the Sewol ferry disaster investigation on the 19th, the Special Forces prosecuted only two of the 17 charges, and most of the remaining charges were dealt with without charges.

[관련 기사: 세월호 ‘전원구조 오보’ KBS·MBC·MBN 책임자 ‘무혐의’ ]

▲Families of the Sewol ferry disaster are shaving at a press conference in front of the Blue House fountain on the 22nd, condemning the results of a special group investigation and encouraging the Moon Jae-in government’s responsibility and role in a joint intensive action. Photo = Reporter Kim Chul-soo, Voice of the People.

At a press conference held in front of the Blue House on that day to condemn the results of the special measures investigation and to urge the responsibility and role of the Moon Jae-in government, the bereaved family said, “The announcement of the special measures is a proper investigation of the facts of the Sewol ferry disaster. It is unacceptable for the people who wish for punishment of the person in charge,” he said. “The most important thing is that the people did not investigate the major suspicions they have about the Sewol ferry disaster.”

They condemned that, at the time of its inauguration, the Special Measures said,’We will thoroughly investigate so that no suspicion remains due to the feeling of writing a white paper, but in the end, it gave indulgences to those responsible for the insolvency investigation of the past and the Sewol ferry disaster.” At the same time, he said that reform was necessary.

As for the’cause of the sinking of the Sewol ferry’, the special group said that’the Supreme Court has been convicted in large part, and additional investigations are limited according to the principle of the absence of incidents.’ The intention is to neutralize it and interfere with the fact-finding.”

▲Photo = Reporter Kim Chul-soo, Voice of the People.

In addition, the family members said, “If you give a tacit instruction with a satisfactory expression and do not detect the means of the inspection, it means that you are allowed to inspect any number of civilians.” “It is different from promoting crime. “No.”

The bereaved family said, “The special means concealed and justified the embarrassing appearance of the prosecution who had only prosecuted Kim Gyeong-il by surrendering to the unjust pressure of the power by disposing of all charges of investigation by powers such as Hwang Gyo-an and Woo Byeong-woo. “It was nothing but an alibi by prosecuting the Coast Guard Command Department, which had to be prosecuted in 2014.”

The special team was also not charged with the rescue of the late Im Kyung-bin. Accordingly, the bereaved family said, “Kyungbin, who was an opportunity to reveal the problems of the government’s rescue and countermeasures, used the case as the basis of the indulgence,” he said. He also said that the special group that accepted the statements of the suspects and referencers who changed their statements differently had no intention of finding the truth from the beginning.

▲Photo = Reporter Kim Chul-soo, Voice of the People.

The bereaved family said that the Moon Jae-in administration was responsible for re-verifying and judging the investigation.

The bereaved family said, “The Moon Jae-in administration has consistently observed the results of the prosecution’s investigation and said that if it is insufficient, it will go forward.” Revealed.

They criticized, “It means that the Moon Jae-in administration, founded by the candlelight revolution triggered by the Sewol ferry disaster, abandoned the mission of investigating the truth of the Sewol ferry disaster like a dedicated partner.”

The bereaved family said, “If it is judged that the results of the investigation by the special prosecution team are insufficient, as well as the Blue House, the intelligence agency, and the military, etc., not only are they responsible for a new investigation that can immediately establish the truth of the Sewol ferry disaster fragmented by the prosecution right now. President Moon Jae-in must directly express and promise that he will take responsibility for and direct the investigation and investigation without restriction.”

The families of the Sewol ferry said, “The first major national issue that President Moon Jae-in should have resolved is the investigation of the truth of the Sewol ferry disaster and the punishment of the person in charge.” We hope to be a government that shows that justice is alive.”

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