Beomgye Park, in a high school lecture in the past, “What’s hot in the morning?”

Candidate Park Bum-gye, Minister of Justice, on the morning of the 6th, attends the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office, where the office for a personnel hearing is located, answering questions from reporters. [연합뉴스]

Candidate Park Beom-gye, Minister of Justice, is answering questions from reporters on the morning of the 6th as he goes to the Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office, where the office for the personnel hearing is prepared. [연합뉴스]

At the time of the first congressman, candidate Park Bum-gye, at a high school in Daejeon, asked, “Is there something hot in the morning?” The opposition lawmaker pointed out that it is “a total difficulty with low-level coming-of-age ceremony.” In response, candidate Park said, “I only led the dialogue under the assumption that I was a liberal,” he explained, saying, “It was a quote from the case presented in Michael Sandel’s book.”

According to the House of Representatives Cho Su-jin on the 14th, candidate Park gave a lecture in 2012 at a high school located in his district (Seogu-eul, Daejeon) entitled’My Life in the Middle of Law and Politics’. It is said that Park’s son was attending the high school at the time.

In a 40-minute lecture, Candidate Park introduced Mike Sendel’s “What is Justice”, the bestseller at the time, and said, “As a liberal, I insist that (prostitution) is justice, or cannot see.” Earlier, I asked high school students, “What’s hot in the morning? It was a remark that came out while discussing prostitution and justice after he said, “Any man or woman, whether they are men or women, when they reach adulthood, sexual desire arises,” he said.

Rep. Cho pointed out that “on the subject of integrity education, it is questionable whether a member of the National Assembly is appropriate for a remark in front of high school students.

Accordingly, the preparation team for the personnel hearing of Candidate Park explained that through the statement on the day, candidate Park made clear the position that there is objective justice by saying, “Justice clearly has objective definition” in the lecture at the time.

“The’helmet’ and’prostitution’ that Candidate Park mentioned in his lecture is a quote from Michael Sandel’s book on page 90 of the claims of libertarians (helmet, prostitution, taxation), who aim to be the least state.” .

In the book, liberals claim that the law compulsory wearing helmets violates the rights of individuals, or that it is not right to (according to their arguments) prohibit prostitution through consensus among adults by law. It is contained.

Also, “Candidate Park said in a lecture,’First question, everyone, let’s think about it. “I am a liberal,” he said and only led the conversation under the assumption that he was a liberal. “(The article) cut out the phrase’I am a liberal’ and wrote it as if the candidate himself claimed to be a liberal.”

In addition, during the lecture, Candidate Park said, “Is it legal or illegal to buy a woman’s last name with money? It’s illegal” or “have you been there or not? I also emphasized the part that said, “You shouldn’t go.”

Meanwhile, Candidate Park made different remarks from his autobiography regarding his withdrawal from school in a situation where he would be expelled due to a defeat in high school. In his autobiography published in January 2008, he said, “When I was in the second year of junior high school, I couldn’t stand the burning temper and threw a word, but I couldn’t concentrate on my studies anymore. My thoughts were also starting to get distorted,” he wrote. Regarding the school he went on to afterwards, he introduced, “When a friend of the’Jonathan the Seagull’ circle who joined was struck by a friend of another circle, a group fight broke out and became involved in it.”

However, in a special lecture, “I pointed out to my classmates who smoked in the second year of junior high school, and then I was slaughtered.” He revealed that he had done’revenge’ to his classmates who hit him.

Regarding this, Rep. Cho said, “It is the difference between being caught in a defeat that happened because a circle friend was slaughtered and revenge for what he was beaten,” he said. “Which would be more sincere memory?”

Reporter Lee Ga-young [email protected]
