Beomgye Park emphasizes “Prosecution Reform” on the first day of inauguration… Meet with Yoon Seok-yeol


New Justice Minister Park Beom-gye took office today (1st). While emphasizing the’reform of the prosecution,’ he also said with strength’communication with the prosecution’. It can be interpreted as being aware that the Ministry of Justice and the prosecution have been in severe conflict over the past year. Minister Park, who met Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol today, will be greeting the prosecution sooner or later.

This is Park Ji-young.


New Justice Minister Park Beom-gye met with Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol for the first time after taking office.

The meeting ended as short as 15 minutes.

[윤석열/검찰총장 : (장관이 따로 특별히 전한 말씀 있을까요.) 취임 축하 예방 와서 서로 뭐 덕담하고 그러는 거고…]

Even at the inauguration ceremony, Minister Park mentioned the meeting with President Yoon.

[박범계/법무부 장관 : 우리 법무·검찰 구성원들과도 수시로 직접 만나 대화하겠습니다. 오늘은 윤석열 검찰총장과 조금 전에 직접 만났습니다.]

It is interpreted to mean that we will’communicate’ with the prosecution in the future.

He also emphasized’prosecution reform’.

[박범계/법무부 장관 : 이제 제가 이어받아 국민의 검찰개혁 명령을 완수하려 합니다. 그에 걸맞게 검찰 조직 또한 재편돼야 합니다. 변해야 할 때, 스스로 주체가 되어 바꾸어야 합니다.]

No specific mention was made of senior and middle prosecutors’ officials in the near future.

General Yoon also said he did not talk about greetings during the 15-minute meeting.

Particular attention is given to the achievements of Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, Lee Seong-yoon and Han Dong-hoon, as the first person to conduct after Park took office.

Prosecutor Lee has been in confrontation with President Yun over major investigations such as’Channel A investigation’, and one prosecutor is an aide of President Yoon.

The appointment of these personnel is expected to be a measure to predict the actions of the Ministry of Justice and the prosecution, which will be led by Minister Park.

The Ministry of Justice explained that “Minister Park will soon arrange a place to hear the opinion of the prosecutor general on personnel affairs.”
