Beom-gye Park, Myeong-sook Han initiated the’investigation command right’ in the case of perjury teacher…”Swordsman, re-examine” (Comprehensive)

Input 2021.03.17 16:15 | Revision 2021.03.17 16:53

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye answers inquiries from lawmakers at the general meeting of the Legislative Judicial Council held at the National Assembly on the 16th./

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye invoked the investigative command authority in relation to the suspicion of former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook, a teacher of perjury perjury, which had been “disposed of non-prosecution” at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office. It is the first investigation conducted 49 days after the inauguration of the minister in January.

Justice Department Prosecutor General Lee Jung-soo and Justice Department Prosecutor General Ryu Hyeok held a briefing at the Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office on the 17th at 4:15 pm and said, “The great prosecutor ended with no charges related to the case of a perjury teacher case. And it is difficult to say that they did their best to reveal the truth, and even the adequacy of the conclusion is being questioned,” he said. He said, “Minister Park directs the following to Prosecutor General Cho Nam-gwan.”

Earlier on the 5th, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office issued an unprosecution on the suspicion of a perjury teacher. However, it has said that it will additionally review whether or not the prosecution is insulting public officials revealed in the course of the investigation of the case. In this process, when Chief Prosecutor Im Eun-jeong claimed that he was “forced excluded” from the investigation of the case, he was confronted by refuting that the great sword was different from the facts.

Accordingly, the inspectorate’s office of the Ministry of Justice has initiated a fact-finding investigation to confirm the facts, and on that day, Minister Park invoked the authority to command the investigation. At the time when he was accused of perjury, it was impossible to investigate if the statute of limitations was exceeded as the statute of limitations for the inmate A, who was a court witness, would expire on the 22nd. The statute of inmate B, who is on the same charge, has already ended on the 6th.

◇ What is the order of the Minister of Investigation and Command?
According to the contents of Minister Park’s command released by the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office Directors’ Meeting was first held to deliberate on the possibility of prosecution. In addition, we ordered that the prosecution department head Han Dong-soo, Heo Jeong-soo head of the third prosecution department, and the prosecutor Lim Eun-jung listen to the explanations and opinions of the matter and undergo a sufficient discussion process.

Regarding the deliberation of the Supreme Sword Chiefs’ Meeting, Inspector Ryu said, “The Great Sword Chief is the prosecutor’s level. At least those who have done their best in their field and field and have been verified I think I will judge with all my conscience.”

In particular, among the testimony that the statute of limitations remains △ Testimony that the late Han Man-ho, former CEO Han Shin Gun-young, met by chance in the hallway on the 11th floor of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office on October 6, 2010. They asked us to focus on whether or not it is false, the nanny suspected of perjury, and whether the purpose of the harassment was recognized.

In addition, based on the results of these discussions, he instructed to deliberate on whether there is a need to discuss including the testimony of the 21st of last month in accordance with the law of inclusive one crime. At the same time, based on the results of the deliberation, they were asked to decide whether to file a lawsuit or prosecute by the expiration date of the statute of limitations.

◇ What is the background of the investigation command right? “Unfair and doubting the adequacy of conclusions”
“The Ministry of Justice transferred this case to the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office in the light of the seriousness and seriousness of the matter last April, and the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office tried to reassign it to the Ministry of Human Rights.” The great sword did not grant the authority to investigate,” he said.

“Even so, the Supreme Prosecutor requested the Ministry of Justice for legal interpretation, saying that he was not granted the right to investigate Prosecutor Im. On February 26 this year, he reported that he would build two persons related to the perjury that he investigated. We have closed this case,” he added.

Director Lee also said, “Even though it is an important matter, it is not fair and even the appropriateness of the conclusion is doubtful in that it was concluded without an agreement with the inspectorate.”

However, he also said that the Minister of Justice should refrain from conducting investigations in specific cases. Director Lee said, “In the case of cases that have already been closed, it is more so in terms of legal stability.” However, this case has various problems such as wrong practices related to the direct investigation of the prosecution, arbitrary allocation of cases raised in the process of handling the case, and irrational decision-making. It must be revealed and corrected,” he stressed.

In connection with the case of the former prime minister, Han Man-ho, former CEO Han Shin Gun-young, overturned his testimony in court, and the prosecution investigation team at the time practiced testimony to fellow inmates to commit perjury.

