“Because of the corona vaccine for pregnant women, antibodies are also generated in babies.”

“Because of the corona vaccine for pregnant women, antibodies are also generated in babies.”

Revision 2021.03.17 20:49Input 2021.03.17 20:49

Pfizer’s Corona 19 Vaccine (Photo = Yonhap News)

[아시아경제 금보령 기자] A study found that if a pregnant woman was vaccinated against the COVID-19 vaccine, the child was also born with the COVID-19 antibody.

According to Israeli media, researchers at Hadasa Medical Center in Jerusalem on the 17th (local time) tested 40 newborns born by a woman who received the COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy, and it was confirmed that they had sufficient levels of immune antibodies.

Blood samples for the study were taken from the neonatal umbilical cord. The vaccine for pregnant women was Pfizer-Bioentech.

“We have identified immunoglobulins that respond to the spike protein of the corona 19 pathogen (in newborns),” said Dana Wolf virus manager of Hadasa Medical Center who led the study. He said he has not yet confirmed whether the antibodies inherited by the baby will prevent COVID-19 infection, but he is confident that it will do so. However, it is not known that this study does not include how long the child maintains the antibody.

In the early stages of the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, vaccination for pregnant women was not recommended, but Israel has allowed vaccination for pregnant women from mid-January.

Meanwhile, in the U.S., it was reported that antibodies were detected in a child born to a pregnant woman who was vaccinated against the Corona 19 vaccine.

According to The Guardian, a woman, a medical worker in southern Florida, USA, received one dose of Modena vaccine in January, 36 weeks pregnant, and gave birth to a baby girl three weeks later. Pediatricians Paul Gilbert and Chad Rudnick analyzed the blood from the baby’s umbilical cord, and reported that COVID-19 antibodies were detected as a result.

Reporter Geum Boryeong [email protected]
