“Because it’s a honeymoon baby…” Married life with Kim Tae-hee who was exposed to rain

Photo = TVN’You Quiz on the Block’ broadcast screen capture.

[아시아경제 김봉주 기자] Singer Rain mentioned her marriage to actor Kim Tae-hee and advised her to extend her newlyweds.

Rain appeared as a guest in tvN’You Quiz on the Block’, which aired on the 3rd.

When rain appeared on the broadcast, Yoo Jae-seok introduced, “A futuristic singer who sings in reverse. He is a man who has gone too far ahead of the times.”

Yoo Jae-seok asked, “I’m very busy these days,” and “how have you been after the buddy.”

Rain said, “I’m having a very busy day these days. A new album has come out. I’m living hard because I’m doing individual activities so pleasantly. I was very free, but I was with Jin Young hyung, who couldn’t breathe.”

Yoo Jae-seok asked, “Is there anything that says,’I’ve been ahead of this a little bit?'” and Rain replied, “It’s sunglasses. Wasn’t the glasses dance trendy as a dance?”

Yoo Jae-seok laughed, “There was such a thing. Isn’t there something we shouldn’t do in the rain?

Rain replied, “It’s their play culture. Somehow, there were people who tried to tease and eat steamed food, so they were sad at first, but after that, they embraced proper intellectual quality.”

Rain explained, “Since debut, there have been a lot of people like this. Stop tearing. Stop wearing glasses. Please don’t wear a vest. Military please don’t wear it. I love it so much. That’s good for me.”

Jo Se-ho asked, “(Bi and Kim Tae-hee) are married. What kind of picture is unfolded when you enter the house after work?”

Rain said, “You have to pick up one by one as you enter. From the toys that (children) played with. That’s good. Enjoy it a little more now.” The first is Honeymoon Baby.”

When Jo Se-ho asked, “How about living in rain,” Rain asked, “Do you want to live my life?”

Jo Se-ho said, “When I perform more than anything else. The audience cheers and I feel when I receive it.”

Rain said, “Thank you,” he said, “I wondered if I could be loved this much, but at that time, preparing something again was stressful every day. When I was doing entertainment with Jaesuk hyung, I didn’t say a word. Give. Now I am enjoying my job.”

Next, Rain also had an interview with the production crew.

Rain said, “If I can go back to the old days, I want to go back to the old days. I was in middle school and elementary school. I want to listen to my mother. I died before debuting under the name of Rain.”

He said, “One or two chickens in my right hand and my mother coming after shopping in my left hand are vivid. That one. I can’t remember the rest.”

To the question, “If I have that time now,” Rain replied, “I don’t want to do anything, I just want to be held all day long. I don’t want to ask anything. Just being held in my mother’s arms is the best thing I want to do.”

Rain said, “My dear mother. I don’t know if you’re doing well. It’s been more than 20 years since we broke up, and I think we’ve kept both of the promised things when we broke up. I’ll keep my younger brother well. I’ll be a great singer.” Revealed.

Reporter Kim Bong-ju [email protected]
