BC Card, strategic investment in AI simple investment operator’December & Company’

Non-face-to-face AI-based simple investment Expecting to use various customers

BC Card, strategic investment in AI simple investment operator'December & Company'

[아시아경제 기하영 기자]BC Card announced on the 2nd that it has decided to invest 9.9 billion won in December & Company Asset Management, which operates’Fint’, an artificial intelligence (AI) simple investment.

Focus, a non-face-to-face AI discretionary investment service, is a representative simple investment platform in Korea with 400,000 members and 95,000 cumulative discretionary investment accounts in the short term.

In the case of non-face-to-face AI simple investment, there is an advantage that you can apply for and use the service at a convenient time at any time, regardless of the size of the customer’s assets. Accordingly, it is expected that various customer segments will be able to receive differentiated financial investment service benefits.

After that, through cooperation between the two companies, BC Card customers are expected to be able to easily and conveniently use overseas stock and gold investment, currency exchange, insurance, and even simple AI-based investment in addition to payment services.

A BC Card official said, “We will strive to provide more financial benefits to BC Card customers and take the lead in popularizing asset management by discovering a business collaboration field that can expand synergy between the two companies beyond a simple investment relationship.”

Reporter Ki Ha-young [email protected]
