Banks resume credit loans for the new year… The aggregate management movement continues


▲ Last month, a branch of a commercial bank in Seoul. Union

[에너지경제신문 송두리 기자] In the New Year of 2021, banks are slowly lowering the threshold for credit loans. Last month, banks were actually in the process of locking down credit loans in order to manage the total amount of credit loans. Although new credit loan subscriptions will resume from this month, it is expected that the financial authorities will continue to regulate loans, and the bank will continue to manage loans.

According to banknotes on the 2nd, Kakao Bank, an internet-specialized bank, resumed new applications for negative bankbook loans targeting high creditors from the previous day. Kakao Bank suspended new loans from negative bank accounts from the 17th of last month to the end of the year. At the time, Kakao Bank said, “We are temporarily suspending new applications for negative bank loans in order to stabilize household debt, which has recently increased rapidly.”

As credit loans increased sharply in the second half of last year, the financial authorities demanded that banks manage the total amount of loans, and the banks entered into a crime of credit loans with stronger than expected strength.

Starting with Kakao Bank on the first day of the new year, major banks such as KB Kookmin Bank, Shinhan Bank, and Woori Bank plan to lower the credit loan threshold again from this month.

Kookmin Bank plans to resume sales of all household credit loans exceeding 20 million won, which had been restricted from the 22nd of last month, during this month. Earlier, on the 14th of the same month, Kookmin Bank also stopped all household credit loans exceeding 100 million won by adding new and additional applications and existing cases.

“Other loans for loans,” which converts other mortgage loans to Kookmin Bank mortgage loans, will also become possible again from this month.

From the 23rd of last month, Shinhan Bank restricted the application of new credit loans for most households except for low-income financial products, but it will start receiving new loans again next week. Earlier, Shinhan Bank temporarily stopped applying for non-face-to-face credit loans from the 15th of the same month, and virtually blocked all applications for in-person and non-face-to-face credit loans.

Woori Bank will resume the sale of its flagship non-face-to-face credit loan product,’Woori Worker Loan’, which was discontinued on the 11th of last month. However, the reduction of the preferential interest rate and the maximum limit adjusted to KRW 100 million will continue to be applied.

NH Nonghyup Bank applies the preferential interest rate for household loans, which was lowered from November last year to the end of the year, as it was from the 4th. The maximum preferential interest rate for home mortgage loans under the variable interest rate is currently 1.0% to 1.4%, and the maximum preferential interest rate for credit loans rises from 0 to 0.25% to 0.8 to 1.2%.

Although banks are releasing their locks on credit loans, their breath is slightly open, but it is unlikely that credit loans will increase rapidly in the short term as last year. Financial authorities continue to keep an eye on banknotes and order to manage the total amount of credit loans, and banks are not completely lowering their credit threshold. It is known that the monthly increase in credit loans that the financial authorities require of banks is around 2 trillion won.

In the case of Hana Bank, starting on the 6th, the credit limit for professional professions such as doctors and lawyers will be lowered from the previous 150 million won to 50 million won. Other banks have not fully lifted the guilt of lending, such as continuing for a while without easing the credit limit that has been tightened for professional jobs.

An official from the banking sector said, “Last year, we were able to temporarily limit the surge in credit loans by applying strong credit loan regulations, but we need to keep an eye on the atmosphere.”

Reporter Song Doo-ri [email protected]
