‘Bang’ when the plane with Yemeni ministers arrived… Terrorist explosion


There is also news of an explosion at Yemen airport. It happened the moment the newly formed government officials got off the plane, and while the government officials were intact, more than 20 people were killed. The explosion followed at the presidential palace, which is believed to be a terrorist attack by rebels.

This is Sung Moon-kyu.


About 10 people descend the stairs from the plane that landed safely at the airport.

Prime Minister Main Abdulmalik and other ministers of the newly formed Yemeni government.

Supporters cheer and greet.

The scene, which used to be a festive atmosphere, with local broadcasts being broadcast live, quickly becomes a mess with a powerful explosion.

AFP news agency reported that 26 people have been killed and 50 have been injured so far in an explosion at Yemen’s Aden airport on the 30th local time.

There were no casualties among government officials.

After the first explosion, when people flock toward the injured, the second explosion occurred, causing more damage.

Reuters reported that three mortars had fallen into the airport.

MSF says it is preparing to treat many injured people, and international Red Cross officials say one of its employees has been killed and two are missing.

Foreign media reported that there was an explosion sound even near the presidential palace where ministers moved after the airport explosion.

The Yemeni government accused it of being a Huti rebel, backed by Iran.

[마인 압둘말리크/예멘 총리 : 우리가 이 전투에서 승리할 때까지 테러리스트들은 우리의 결집을 막지 못할 것입니다.]

In Yemen, after the civil war began in earnest in 2015, Saudi Arabia-led Arab allied forces supported the Yemeni government, leading to a conflict between rebel Huti and the government forces.

(Video Design: Seonghyun Park)
