Bale, will you stay with Tottenham… Director Morinho “Ask Real Madrid”

Tottenham coach Jose Mourinho (left) and Gareth Bale

picture explanationTottenham coach Jose Mourinho (left) and Gareth Bale

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English professional football Premier League (EPL) Tottenham Hotspur coach Jose Mourinho drew a line saying, “Ask Real Madrid (Spain),” about the move of’rental’ Garus Bale (32).

When asked about the future of Bale at a press conference on the 3rd (local time), one day before the EPL away game against Fulham, Morinyu said, “Please ask a colleague in Madrid to ask Zinedine Zidane (Real Madrid manager).”

Bale, who moved to Real Madrid after playing for six seasons with Tottenham from the 2007-2008 season, gradually fell into’Aemul Complex’ due to frequent injuries, sluggishness, and friction with Zidane, and eventually returned to Tottenham on loan this season. .

Tottenham also couldn’t get rid of the sluggish easily, but in the last four games he played, he started to rise by raising attack points.

Bale scored a total of 2 goals and 1 assist in the first and second leg of the 32nd round of Wolfsberger (Austria) and European Football Federation (UEFA) Europa League held on the 18th and 24th of last month, and 1 assist against West Ham on the 21st at EPL. On the 28th, he scored two goals and one help against Burnley.

With his resurrection, Tottenham’s trio of’K (Harry Kane)-B (Vale) -S (Son Heung-min)’ is also coming together. There is also a story that asks about his direction naturally.

“Bale isn’t a Tottenham player. It’s all up to Real Madrid,” said Mourinho. “I just have a player on loan and I’m just trying to get the best out of him for the team.”

Regarding the reason Bale’s been sluggish so far, Morinyu replied, “Ask them what has happened in Real Madrid over the past two years. If you answer them, they will better understand why it took a long time to recover.” .

“Athletes suffer mental as well as physical injuries,” he said. “It takes time for an injured player to fully heal psychologically. You have to be patient. We didn’t do much to Bale. We’ve been doing our best to take care of him,” he said. , I will do that until the last day.”

Bale, who has regained his senses, is expected to appear in Fulham.

“I don’t know if Bale will start or start on the bench, but it will be on the list,” said Morinyu.


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