‘Baemin’ stopped on Christmas Eve… Server is paralyzed by order runaway

Input 2020-12-25 10:23 | Revision 2020-12-25 10:57

On the evening of the 24th, Christmas Eve, the nation’s No. 1 delivery app, the nation’s delivery service, stopped.

The graceful brothers, who operate Baemin, said on this day, “We blocked Baemin Riders and B Mart services from 6:38 pm due to a runaway order.” The service was restored around 11pm.

Users who tried to order dinner to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere at home were bound to experience great inconvenience.

In the online community, a consumer wrote, “I ordered at 6 pm, but it makes sense to cancel it until 9 am. It ruined all of Christmas.” Another consumer also burst into anguish, saying, “I would have ordered from another place even if the customer center told me about the server down quickly.”

The damage to restaurants that expect special Christmas Eve is also expected to be enormous.

This is because the government reinforced quarantine guidelines, such as banning private gatherings of 5 or more people until January 3 of next year in the metropolitan area, and leaned a significant portion of sales from’delivery orders’.

The People of Delivery plans to prepare compensation plans for the affected consumers and restaurant owners.

The people of the delivery said, “We will accurately identify the cause of the service error and proceed with the compensation procedure for the store owner and consumers according to the terms and conditions.”

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