Bae Yun-jung apologizes for illegal downloads in the end “I can’t figure it out…I’m ashamed and sorry” (General)

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Bae Yun-jung apologizes for illegal downloads in the end “I can’t figure it out…I’m ashamed and sorry” (General)

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Hwang Mi-Hyun |
2021-02-15 09:15 sent

Bae Yoonjung © News 1

Choreographer Bae Yoon-jung eventually apologized for being overwhelmed by the suspicion of illegal downloads during the verification of viewing’Penthouse’.

On the 15th, Bae Yoon-jung apologized to his Instagram on the 15th, saying, “I apologize for causing concern to many people regarding the contents related to illegal downloading of Grama among the posts posted on Instagram recently.”

“Inspector explained that while my husband was searching for TV replay on mobile, he accessed a site where related information was posted, and without properly recognizing that it was an illegal site, he connected to the TV and filmed and uploaded the part that was viewed by streaming.” did.

Bae Yun-jung added, “I deeply apologize to the people involved and to all of them, and as a person in the same industry, I am ashamed and sorry for the less prudent behavior,” adding, “I will take care not to repeat the same thing in the future.”

Earlier, on the 13th, Bae Yoon-jung left a video of her husband watching SBS’Penthouse’ on his Instagram story on the 13th. Bae Yoon-jung wrote, “Just play a game,” along with this video. Informed that he was addicted to

However, because Chinese is written at the bottom of the screen in the video, it has been the subject of criticism to netizens whether it is illegal download.

