Bae Min, 50% of the interest rate of Corona 19 policy fund loans to small business owners

Not only restaurants but also non-store restaurants… Expansion of support target

Corona 19 policy fund loan interest 50% support for small businesses in Baemin's restaurant business [사진제공=배달의민족]
Corona 19 policy fund loan interest 50% support for small businesses in Baemin’s restaurant business [사진제공=배달의민족]

[오늘경제 = 이효정 기자]

The elegant brothers of Baemin Co., Ltd. (CEO Kim Bum-joon) announced on the 24th that in order to relieve the burden of small businesses in the domestic catering industry due to Corona 19, they decided to support the loan interest of the Corona 19 policy fund by expanding the scope to restaurants that are not using Baemin.

The graceful brothers have been supporting 50% of the Corona 19 policy fund loan interest to the CEO of Bae Min since last February, which has been extended to all catering business owners from this year.

Small businesses in the restaurant business who received a loan from the COVID-19 policy fund can receive 50% of the interest paid for 10 months after approval of the loan. Interest subsidies are raised through a 5 billion won fund created by graceful brothers last year in accordance with the’Win-Win Cooperation Agreement’ signed with the Korea Food Service Industry Federation and the Federation of Small Businessmen.

Any business registered as a catering business, general catering business, rest food business, franchise chained catering business on the business registration certificate can apply for loan interest support through the Internet site of President Bae Min’s Square.

When applying, simply submit a business registration card and an interest payment certificate stating the policy funds related to COVID-19. The application period is until the 7th of next month.

Interest support is only possible for loans from small business owners related to COVID-19 that were loaned last year, and if there are multiple loans, interest support is provided only for one loan product with the highest interest rate. The support fund is expected to be deposited in the next month to the personal account entered by the owner.

Graceful Brothers Kwon Yong-gyu, head of the Value Management Division, said, “I hope this policy fund loan interest support will help a lot of self-employed people in the restaurant industry who are suffering from Corona 19.” “We will continue to provide practical help through various support measures. I will use it.”

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