Bae Jin-woong’s “The contents of the compulsory harassment complaint are clearly false facts, the complaint against Mr. B before the report” [전문]

In relation to the alleged harassment, Bae Jin-woong countered that “the contents of the complaint are obviously false.” SBS screen capture

Actor Bae Jin-woong’s side refuted that “the contents of the complaint are obviously false.”

Bae Jin-woong’s legal representative, Park Ji-hoon, attorney at Law Firm (Yoohan), released an official position on the 12th and said, “The reports of various media about Bae Jin-woong are mostly untrue. Mr. B (a female junior actor)’forced harassment’ Bae Jin-woong The complaint itself is true, but the contents of the complaint by Mr. B are clearly false facts, and we are in a state of securing a number of evidences regarding this. Therefore, before the report came out, our law firm represented Mr. He claimed to have been sued for forced harassment.

Attorney Park Ji-hoon said, “The media unilaterally reported Mr. B’s malicious and absurd false allegations as if they were true, without even checking the minimum facts with actor Bae Jin-woong. We would like to inform you that we will respond firmly to the spread of the facts.”

On the 11th, a media reported that Bae Jin-woong is expected to undergo a police investigation on the 16th for sexual harassment and attempted rape against a younger female actor A. Initially, the media indicated Bae Jin-woong’s name with initials, but later released the name of Bae Jin-woong. Meanwhile, Bae Jin-woong’s social media account was converted to private.

On the other hand, Bae Jin-woong is an actor who appeared in the drama’Good Casting’,’Legal Lawyer’ and the movie’Beasts Who Want to Catch a Straw’ and’Captain Kim Chang-soo’ after debuting with the movie’Money Bag’ in 2011.

▶ The full text of the official position of the legal representative of Jinwoong Bae below.

Request to refrain from false reports about actor Jin-woong Bae

1. I’m attorney Park Ji-hoon of’Law Firm (Yoo Han) Hyun’, the legal representative of actor Bae Jin-woong.

2. 2020. 1. 11. The mother media reported that actor Bae Jin-woong is being investigated by the police for sexual harassment and attempted rape against her junior actor B. (The name Jin-woong Bae was not directly mentioned, but the character is actor Jin-woong Bae. The content of the article has been organized so that you can easily understand it). Since then, a number of media have been reporting the real name of actor Bae Jin-woong, taking over the content of the article as it is.

3. However, most of the media reports about actor Bae Jin-woong are not true. It is true that Mr. B accused actor Bae Jin-woong of’forced harassment’, but the details of Mr. B’s complaint are clearly false, and we have a lot of evidence on this. Therefore, before the report came out, our law firm had sued Mr. B for forced harassment on behalf of actor Bae Jin-woong.

4. The media unilaterally reported B’s malicious and ridiculous false allegations to actor Bae Jin-woong’s side as if they were true. This behavior cannot be said to have abandoned even a minimum of common sense and conscience as the media.

5. We are pleased to inform you that our law firm will firmly respond to the spread of unfounded false information about actor Bae Jin-woong.

Hoyeon Lee reporter

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The new standard changed by Corona, the new normal of'un·home·sl·on' is coming.

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