Bae Jin-woong,’Good Casting’ actor reported on attempted rape’SNS closed’

Jinwoong Bae. Photo = Chang Company

[이데일리 정시내 기자] Actor Bae Jin-woong turned his social network service (SNS) private when an article was reported that a male actor who appeared in the drama’Good Casting’ molested a junior female actor.

On the 11th, Sports Police reported that on December 23rd last year, actor A, who was in his 40s, committed an ugly thing to his junior actor B, whom he usually knew, and was charged with sexual harassment and attempted rape by the police.

Reportedly, Mr. A lured B to a villa in Gyeonggi-do, and when Mr. B stopped him, he took off his pants with a sexual joke.

Mr. A and Mr. B have been known for five years, and Mr. B is known as the ex-girlfriend of Mr. A’s acquaintance. Mr. B claimed that he suffered bruises and injuries all over his body in the process of resisting Mr. A’s coercive actions. It is reported that Mr. A is about to be investigated by the police on the 16th.

A is an actor who has appeared in the movie’Captain Kim Chang-soo’,’The Beasts Who Want to Catch Even Straw’, and the drama’Good Casting’.

In particular, after the report, Bae Jin-woong switched to private Instagram account. After about two weeks ago, he uploaded posts on social media and was active online.

Bae Jin-woong switched to private Instagram. Photo = Baejinwoong Instagram

Meanwhile, Bae Jin-woong, who was born in 1982 and is 40 years old this year, debuted in 2011, in the movie’Criminal City’,’Captain Kim Chang-soo’,’Angry Bull’,’Beasts Who Want to Grab a Straw’,’ the drama’Sleek Gampan Life’,’Legal Lawyer’,’Good Casting’, etc. Appeared.
