Bae-jin Bae-jin, a 26-year-old single mother, “A daughter with a double sex” If you only want children”

Bae-jin Bae (26, photo), daughter of comedian Bae Sung, complained about her grievances as a single mother.

In the SBS Plus entertainment program’You Can Talk to My Sister,’ broadcasted on the 2nd, Bae Bae Jin appeared as a client saying’I don’t want to pass on the pain of a divorced family.’

On this day, Bae-jin, who is raising a four-year-old son, Rae-yoon, said, “It’s only been eight months since I divorced. I wanted to avoid divorce.” Two years are short, but I endured day by day.”

He said, “I thought a comfortable family would be better than a discord,” and said, “Since my son can’t go to the daycare center, I raise my child for 24 hours, but it is difficult to play with my body.”

He said, “I see my ex-husband once a month, and I have met a lot these days. When a child asks to go to a daycare center, they say,’I don’t like it, dad.’ Because of the corona, I am only at home, so I feel lonely.”

Hearing this, specialist Yu Eun-jung advised, “If you meet a divorced father too often, your interest can be shifted to one side, so the primary caregiver should set the rules and change according to the child’s growth.”

In response, Bae Bae-jin said, “I am expressing’I love you a lot so that I do not feel lonely.’

When asked, “If my ex-husband has a lover, it would be difficult” to the question, “If your ex-husband’s girlfriend allows it, it’s okay. You can go together.”

An expert who heard this said, “It is better not to disclose friends of the opposite sex the younger the child is. He advised that revealing a friend of the opposite sex is a parent-centered thinking. “From a child’s point of view, there will be someone who takes away the love of parents.”

Meanwhile, Bae Bae-jin married musical actor Lim Hyun-jun, who is 7 years old in 2018, but in August of last year, she confessed to the divorce on her YouTube channel’Natalie’.

Shin Jeong-in, online news reporter [email protected]

Photo = SBS Plus’You Can Tell My Sister’ broadcast screen capture

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
