Back pain, it is important to prevent it through constant exercise and management

Guro Mocory Clinic, President Sehun Kim (provided by Mocory Clinic)/Green Post Korea
Guro Mocory Clinic, President Sehun Kim (provided by Mocory Clinic)/Green Post Korea

With the recent prolonged corona19 epidemic, the proportion of indoor activities increases, and the amount of exercise significantly decreases due to a decrease in external activities, requiring attention to health care. In particular, as the usage time of digital devices such as smartphones increases, more and more people complain of back pain due to the lifestyle of sitting in the wrong posture for a long time.

The problem is that such back pain improves and then worsens again, so it is considered insignificant and is easy to neglect.If left unattended, it can develop into chronic pain and cause great inconvenience in daily life. Be careful as degenerative changes such as these can come.

Of course, you don’t need to worry in advance because you unconditionally mistaken your back pain as a lumbar disc. When you feel sudden back pain, it is also good to check for a lumbar disc through a simple self-diagnosis. Among them, it is good to try SLR (Straight Leg Raise), a lumbar disc self-diagnosis method, which allows you to perform a relatively simple self-diagnosis as a way to check the presence or absence of pain felt while lifting the leg.

A normal person raises the leg by 70 degrees, but it is not too much of a problem, but if you experience pain or numbness in the legs, including the back and buttocks, at the point where the leg is raised by about 30 to 70 degrees, you can suspect a herniated disc. . However, due to the lack of flexibility in the back and legs, there are some people who get sick when they lift their legs even without a disc. Pain caused by pulling muscles like this can be quickly distinguished because the intensity is significantly weaker than the pain that occurs when there is a lumbar disc.

However, there is a limit to determining the lumbar disc only by self-diagnosis, so if you continue to worry about back pain, it is advisable to consult a specialist for accurate diagnosis. Back pain is that common disease, and it is easy to come to everyone. Back pain can also occur in extremely everyday things, such as sneezing or waking up in the morning, especially in people with poor posture. Anyone who has a job reading at a desk or working on a computer for a long time, or who uses a smartphone for a long time while lying on his stomach, will most likely have experienced back pain.

As such, it is not easy to get rid of back pain that is common to modern people in an instant. It is important to reduce the fatigue of the lower back with the usual proper lifestyle and posture, and to prevent lumbar disc through constant exercise and management.

Walking exercise, a representative method of managing back pain, has an excellent effect in improving back pain as it can increase the strength of the lower back without putting any force on the lower back. The walking exercise itself is a waist strengthening exercise, and at the same time, it is a stretch that flexibly releases tight muscles. As such, walking exercise is the most basic exercise that does not burden the patient with lumbar disc treatment as well as those who feel back pain, and you can start improving back pain through walking exercise.

However, starting a new exercise is bound to end with three days. The most effective way to do this walking exercise in your busy life is to include as much walking as possible during the day. If you get off one stop on your commute beforehand and walk, or if you make the habit of walking when you go to eat at lunch, you can do enough walking exercise in your daily life. If you set a goal you can’t achieve from the beginning, it’s easy to get tired and stop exercising within a short period of time.

When walking in life like this, it is better to check in advance whether there are stairs, uphill, or downhill paths along the way, and then to avoid them and weave the flow lines. It is important to walk steadily every day, even little by little, rather than walking a long street one day because you are in good shape.

If the weather is bad or you can’t walk outdoors due to Corona 19, indoor walking can also help with back pain. You just have to walk in a straight line and then take a natural turn from the end to the end. At this time, you should turn slowly rather than rushing around. In addition, it is good to turn right and left and turn. If you walk about 30 minutes to 1 hour like this, you can see the same effect as doing a walking exercise outdoors.

“There is a lot of information on how to walk properly when you look at the Internet, but it is most important to walk naturally and comfortably above all,” said Kim Se-hoon of Guro Mokari Oriental Clinic. “It is good to walk in a posture without bowing your neck and avoid downhill roads. Also, walking exercise After this, you must go home and loosen your muscles with pelvic and hip exercises,” he advised. In addition, he said, “It is desirable to implement early treatment because it is possible to improve symptoms through herbal acupuncture and Chuna therapy if back pain persists even with continuous walking exercise.”

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