“Back in the road again…” He kept that word, and Yang Jung-cheol goes to the United States after leaving 文

In the morning of April 17, Yang Jeong-cheol, head of the Democratic Research Institute, leaves the Central Party of the Democratic Party in Yeouido, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, and greets reporters.  News 1

In the morning of April 17, Yang Jeong-cheol, head of the Democratic Research Institute, leaves the Central Party of the Democratic Party in Yeouido, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, and greets reporters. News 1

Former Democratic Researcher Yang Jeong-cheol, an aide to President Moon Jae-in, is leaving for the United States soon.

In a phone call with the JoongAng Ilbo on the 6th, a re-elected member of the Democratic Party, which is close to the former president Yang, said, “After the president Yang finished well with the victory of the general election in April last year, it means’I want to study policies while refining my mind. He said, “I will go to the United States and spend time without setting a deadline and think about my future role.”

Yang Jeon plans to study policy at the Institute for International Strategic Studies (CSIS), an American diplomatic and security think tank who has a close relationship with him. Yang Jeon met with CSIS President John Hamley in Washington DC, USA in July 2019, while serving as president of the Institute for Democracy, to discuss foreign and security policies and conclude policy agreements. In September of that year, when President John Hamley visited Korea, he had a separate dinner with former director Yang.

One of the Democratic Party officials said, “I know that the relationship between President Yang and former President John Hamley has grown several times at the time,” and “I will study various fields such as North Korea, diplomacy, and security.”

In the 21st general election held in April of last year, Director Yang led the recruitment of talents, contributing to the ruling party gaining 180 seats (163 seats from the Democratic Party + 17 seats from the Citizen’s Party). On the day after the general election, former director Yang resigned, saying, “I am going to go back to Duan-gil again and wait for dinner and stay quiet.” And in the second half of last year, I met with potential presidential candidates in the passport, including President Nak-yeon Lee and Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, former presidential secretary chief Lim Jong-seok, and Gyeongnam Governor Kim Gyeong-soo. .

In October 2019, Yang Jeong-cheol, then head of the Democratic Research Institute, met Lee Jae-myeong, Gyeonggi Governor, Gyeonggi Governor Kim Gyeong-soo (from left), and had dinner together in Suwon.  Yang Jeon also met several passport presidential candidates at the end of last year.  News 1

In October 2019, Yang Jeong-cheol, then head of the Democratic Research Institute, met Lee Jae-myeong, Gyeonggi Governor, Gyeonggi Governor Kim Gyeong-soo (from left), and had dinner together in Suwon. Yang Jeon also met several passport presidential candidates at the end of last year. News 1

From the end of last year, former President Yang has also been on the spot in Hamapyeong, the successor to former President Roh Young-min. However, it is said that he recommended Choi Jae-sung, chief executive officer of the Blue House. Re-elected lawmakers with a tendency to be close said, “Mr. Yang said several times that he did not intend to serve as the presidential secretary.” Yang said, “For nearly two years after President Moon Jae-in was elected in the May 2017 presidential election, the US and Japan I stayed in and returned to my country in February 2019, and this time I chose to go to the US again.

In the passport, there is also an expectation that both presidents will play a role in the next year’s presidential election (March) and local elections (June). One of the Democratic Party’s third-tier lawmakers said, “Because you have an excellent sense of leading the election to victory, there are not many things you can do with your own will.”

Reporter Kim Hyo-seong [email protected]
