AZ Vaccination, “Recommended for under 60~65 years old” in at least 10 European countries

On the 30th of last month (local time), medical staff at the vaccine center in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, are showing a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine developed by AstraZeneca. © Reuters = News 1

AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine is imminent in the domestic approval decision, and it has been confirmed that at least 10 European countries have issued recommendations for vaccination under the age of 65 or under 60.

According to foreign media such as Reuters on the 8th (local time), the European Union (EU) approved the conditional sale of AstraZeneca vaccine in the EU to all adults over 18 years of age, according to the recommendation of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Depending on the judgment, the vaccination age is different.

France, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Portugal recommended vaccinations under the age of 65. Norway and Iceland, which are not affiliated with the European Union, are also recommending vaccinations under the age of 65.

Poland recommends immunizations under the age of 60, and Spain and Belgium recommend immunizations under the age of 55.

Italy also recommended the use under the age of 55 first, but recently revised that even if you are over 55 years old, you can get the vaccination if you are healthy.

Although not a member of the European Union (EU), Switzerland withheld approval, claiming that the data were insufficient.

The UK, India, Mexico and Argentina have allowed the vaccine to all adults.

The BBC explained that most European countries have an age limit for vaccination, not because the vaccine is not effective in older people, but because there is not enough data to prove its effectiveness.

He said that if the vaccine is more widely used in the European Union, more data will come out, and more data may change the minds of member state authorities.

Earlier last month, media reports in Germany that the AstraZeneca vaccine prevented only 8% of the elderly over the age of 65, followed by French President Macron’s controversy that the vaccine was not effective for the elderly over 65.

In Korea, on the 10th, the final review committee of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) will make a judgment on the vaccination of the elderly with AstraZeneca vaccine.

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