AZ vaccination from the 26th… 65 years or older’careful’ allowed


The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has approved the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Accordingly, from the 26th, the corona19 vaccine will finally begin in Korea. However, for the elderly over 65 years old, the doctor gave a clue to carefully decide whether or not to receive the vaccination. There is no clear criterion, confusion is expected.

This is Yoon Jae-young.


The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Final Inspection Committee approved the AstraZeneca vaccine yesterday (10th) for those over 18 years of age.

This is a condition for producing the results of phase 3 clinical trials conducted in the United States and elsewhere.

It also approved controversial seniors aged 65 and over.

However, we decided to put a phrase in the’Precautions for use’ that says,’The use for the elderly over the age of 65 should be carefully decided.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety said that the AstraZeneca vaccine does not mean it is dangerous to the elderly.

Rather, they said that 65 years of age and older had fewer abnormal cases than other age groups.

However, when it comes to the effectiveness of the vaccine, it is said that statistics for those over 65 years of age are insufficient and need to be further verified.

[김강립/식품의약품안전처장 : 의사가 고령자 백신 접종 시에 대상자의 상태에 따라 백신 접종으로 인한 유익성을 충분히 판단하여 결정하라는 의미입니다.]

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety added that it means that on-site medical staff should make good judgments according to the condition of the target.

However, there is no way to determine by what criteria.

It’s a national immunization project, and it’s confusing to ask individual medical staff to determine the effectiveness.

[김탁/순천향대부천병원 감염내과 교수 : (의사들은) 사실 지침을 따르는 거거든요. 개별 판단을 하라는 거는 명확한 지침을 주지 않았다는…결국 그걸 보완해 줄 수 있는 건 질병청 지침이라고 생각이 들고.]

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which had to make a final decision on the target and schedule for vaccination, was also in trouble.

An official from the Vaccination Committee said, “By putting the words of course unnecessary, it only created controversy as if vaccination for the elderly was a problem.”

The Agency for Disease Control and Prevention Vaccination Specialist Committee meets this afternoon to discuss specific plans.

(Video Design: Lee Jeong-hoe)
