AZ Over 65 years of age vaccination seems to expand “Increase the 1st vaccination”

In the midst of this, the government has taken a step toward vaccinating the AstraZeneca vaccine to elderly people over the age of 65. In addition, the vaccine, which is supposed to be given twice, is being reviewed to allow more people to be vaccinated at least once.

I am Jo Dong-chan, a medical reporter.


AstraZeneca vaccine has recently been statistically proven to prevent the elderly, and European countries have changed the limit of vaccination over 65 years of age to approval.

Our health authorities have also gone through a debate again, and it is promising to release the AstraZeneca vaccine withholding for those over 65 years old.

However, even if you are 65 years of age or older, the timing of vaccination seems to be different depending on your age.

The government is considering a way to guess from 75 years of age or older.

This is because the mortality rate is high at 6.5% in the 70s and 21% in the 80s and above, so vaccination is the most urgent.

It is known that the Pfizer vaccine is being reviewed for the vaccine to be given to people over 75 years of age.

In addition, the government is discussing ways to inoculate a person who has never been vaccinated with a stockpile for a second person who has been vaccinated.

Pfizer vaccines have a 75% chance of preventing serious or death with just one dose, and AstraZeneca vaccines have been reported to be up to 94%.

In particular, people who have been infected before develop enough immunity to get hit once.

The government has decided to give priority to the Tokyo Olympic participants and foreign visitors for official purposes.

[윤태호/중앙사고수습본부 방역총괄반장 : 또한, 중요한 경제활동이나 공익 목적인 경우도 단기 국외 방문 시 접종이 가능합니다.]

In order to prevent unnecessary treatment with preferential treatment, it seems necessary to first determine the job and reason for the vaccination in detail.

(Video coverage: Senior Citizen, video editing: Jo Moo-hwan)

▶ [단독] AZ vaccine confirmed at the end of May for 3.5 million
