AZ, Janssen, Pfizer, and Kobax… SK Bio is in charge of domestic vaccine distribution

SK Bioscience's vaccine factory Andong L House.  (Source = News 1)
SK Bioscience’s vaccine factory Andong L House. (Source = News 1)

[코리아포스트 한글판 박영심기자] The quarantine authorities signed a contract with SK Bioscience as a company dedicated to establishing a distribution management system for a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine. SK Bioscience will be in charge of not only the production of vaccines, but also distribution and storage.

On the 22nd, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced the establishment and progress of a storage and distribution system to transport the Corona 19 vaccine to the inoculation institution.

Corona 19 vaccines have different storage and distribution conditions for each manufacturer, and various vaccination locations for each vaccine. To this end, it is essential to prepare a thorough distribution and storage system from vaccine to vaccination after arrival.

The Agency for Disease Control and Prevention selected’SK Bioscience’ as the agency to carry out the’Corona 19 vaccine distribution management system establishment and operation project’ and concluded the contract.

SK Bioscience will be in charge of distribution and storage of AstraZeneca, Janssen, Pfizer vaccines, and Covax Facility vaccines. Earlier, SK Biosciences signed a contract to produce AstraZeneca and NovaVax vaccines.

SK Bioscience plans to operate a system that can monitor temperature maintenance and delivery routes in real time during vaccine transportation by establishing a customized cold chain management system for each vaccine.

To this end, M2Cloud will participate as a partner and build an integrated control center based on the Internet of Things (IoT) to establish a real-time temperature management and vaccine location tracking system.

SK Bioscience plans to establish a refrigerated and refrigerated distribution center by establishing a cooperation system with domestic logistics companies to prepare for the uncertainty of the vaccine supply timing and the liquidity of the vaccine supply.

Through this, the system will be equipped with a system that can manage the status of vaccination supply by region and by vaccination agency, as well as management of stock and receipt by vaccine.

Gtree B&T and Dongwon I-Farm will participate as distribution partners. Dongwon I-Farm is responsible for securing a cryogenic distribution warehouse and building a distribution center for vaccine storage at -75 degrees Celsius.

The Agency for Disease Control and Prevention is also preparing to install a’cryogenic freezer’, an essential item for maintaining the Pfizer vaccine cold chain.

Pfizer Vaccine plans to install and install a cryogenic freezer for each vaccination center as an mRNA vaccine, so that vaccination can be performed without disruption within the effective institution of the vaccine.

The disease administration provides government subsidies (about 250 units) to companies registered in the Nara Marketplace (Daehan Science, Ilshin Biobase, Thermo Fisher Scientific) in each local government to purchase a cryogenic freezer, and each local government designates an inoculation center. And freezer purchases and installation preparations will be expedited.

Commissioner Jeong Eun-kyung said, “Establishing a thorough distribution management system for vaccines is the most important task for safe vaccination,” and “We will prepare carefully and without disruption until vaccination is implemented.”

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