AZ Effect of recent large-scale clinical trial 79 Blood clot Annatana

AstraZeneca vaccine [사진=로이터 연합뉴스]

AstraZeneca vaccine [사진=로이터 연합뉴스]

AstraZeneca (AZ), a pharmaceutical company, announced that its Corona 19 (new coronavirus infection) vaccine had an effect of 79% in a phase 3 clinical trial conducted in the United States, reported by foreign media such as the Associated Press on the 22nd (local time). This is higher than the effect (70.4%) seen in existing large-scale clinical trials.

In the US clinical trial, 32,449 people participated, of which about 20,000 were vaccinated and the rest were compared with placebo (placebo).

In a press release, AstraZeneca revealed that its vaccine showed 79% efficacy in preventing the onset of COVID-19 symptoms, and particularly 100% effective in preventing progression to severe illness requiring hospitalization. The effect of 80% was slightly higher than the overall average in the elderly over 65 years old.

The vaccine was effective in all age groups, including the elderly, AZ added.

In particular, this US clinical trial did not show an increase in the risk of blood clots, according to AFP.

The medical community has been waiting for the results of this clinical trial with the expectation that the results of the new clinical trial will end the confusion surrounding the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Associated Press reported.

The University of Oxford, UK, which co-developed the Corona 19 vaccine with AstraZeneca, also announced that AZ’s Corona 19 vaccine was found to be safe and highly effective in a phase 3 clinical trial conducted for all age groups in the United States, Chile, and Peru.

Taiwanese nurse preparing for AstraZeneca vaccine [사진=로이터 연합뉴스]

Taiwanese nurse preparing for AstraZeneca vaccine [사진=로이터 연합뉴스]

Our vaccination expert committee, composed of experts in the fields of health and infectious diseases, also recommended that the AstraZeneca Corona 19 vaccination continue as planned.

In an online briefing on the 22nd, Eunhwa Choi (Professor of Seoul National University Medical School) said, “It is recommended that the AstraZeneca vaccination should be continued in the domestic situation where the risk from the pandemic of Corona 19 continues.”

Chairman Choi Eun-hwa said, “AstraZeneca vaccine is an effective and safe vaccine that reduces severe infection and mortality caused by COVID-19 in clinical trials and in the actual medical field.” .

Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Chung Eun-kyung also said, “Corona 19 itself is supposed to cause blood clotting disorders.” It is included in,” he added.

Reporter Kang Kyung-joo [email protected]

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