Aviation Industry and Software-Sciencetimes

The world has become a society centered on information and communication, and software is at its foundation. Information and communication technology and software can also be classified into a number of types, but in a large category, it can be compressed into a single word: computer.

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to look inside a popular electric vehicle, even though it was outside the window. A car that runs on electricity without a traditional internal combustion engine. Although I didn’t see it in action, it looked a lot different from the existing car inside. The car wasn’t equipped with a computer, but it felt like the computer had wheels.

The same goes for the aviation sector. Although there are various uses, such as airliners and military aircraft, the proportion of electronic devices and related software installed in aircraft has long been over one-third of the total price. This weight is even greater with unmanned aerial vehicles. It’s the era of winged computers.

But we should avoid the conclusion here. It is true that software technology is important, but it is difficult to mass-produce only so-called programmers. With this thought, I learned a word after talking with software experts. Architect software is also a system, and the person who designs, leads, and synthesizes the system is called an architect. When referring to the aviation industry, it is understood in a similar context to what is commonly referred to as the integrated system industry.

Aviation and software relate to each other pixabay.com

System synthesis and architect. Two fields that seemed to be similar or that seemed to be different or that seemed to be different. When I was studying aeronautical engineering, I remember the conversations I used to play with my software majors as if making fun of each other. Is it faster to teach software to an aviation engineer, or is it faster to teach aviation to a software major? At the time, they interpreted each other’s arms bending inward, but now it is a very meaningless question and answer. The answer is collaboration or convergence based on expertise.

The aviation engineer’s task is to find the answer on how to fly an aircraft that is much heavier than air with as little energy as possible, and the software engineer creates a reliable program to control the plane and further improves safety or increases the added value of aircraft system services. I think about it. If each other’s homework and worries are completely separated, an inefficient system will come out, and if you look at a common theme from different angles, in the end, if you are on a journey toward one goal, you will find a very outstanding work.

Computers without programming are bound to stay on machines with great potential, and their potential is realized specifically when software for the correct purpose is executed. It is difficult for a computer to immediately understand human speech, which is a natural language, so architects and programmers are the people who interpret the object to be implemented into a programming language that can be understood by a computer.

There are many people in Korea who are good at English as a foreign language, but there are not as many people who can freely talk about their work in English as well as those who speak English in everyday life. To reinterpret architect, a word learned from software experts, based on my major and understanding, if the programmer is an English instructor or interpreter, then the architect is a practitioner who knows aeronautical engineering well. The role of English instructors and interpreters is also very important, but I would like to emphasize that those who can create more value in a specific industry are experts who can speak English based on their practical experience and knowledge. In terms of the ecosystem, the person who raises a specific industry expert with good English proficiency is an English instructor, so the chain of values ​​can be linked like this.

There have been two cases where I have received definitive help from programmers or architects in my past practice in the field of aviation.

While running several types of analysis programs, a car that was wondering how to automatically run these heterogeneous programs at once, an avionics software engineer who was “passing by” gave a simple command, which saved a considerable amount of work time.

As another example, when hundreds of dots on a computer screen were discriminated individually to create a single optimized curve, a professional programmer who was’passing by’ devoted his time to creating a pretty high-performance automation program. It was able to reduce the work load of the time.

I have accurately expressed what my current worries are, and’passing by’ experts understand my worries well and find answers to them. This is an exemplary case of division of labor and convergence.

Looking back on the past case, the national programmer training policy is good, but I think it would be good to strengthen the subjects of logic or rhetoric.

