Autumn, who collided with 尹 throughout his tenure… Will they retire ahead of the launch

Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae goes to work

picture explanationJustice Minister Chu Mi-ae goes to work

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As Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol returns to office and President Moon Jae-in apologizes for the disciplinary controversy of Yoon, Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae is expected to withdraw from his position sooner or later.

According to the law and politics on the 28th, President Moon is expected to accept Chu’s resignation as early as this week. Earlier, on the 16th, Minister Chu expressed his appreciation to President Moon while requesting a disciplinary action against Yoon.

When Minister Chu first expressed his appreciation, the prospect prevailed that he would serve until the appointment of the successor minister was completed. It was expected that if President Moon nominated a successor minister, it would take about a month to be appointed through personnel hearings, etc., so he would remain in his position until the end of January next year.

However, it is certain that Chu’s resignation will be accepted sooner than expected as the discipline of President Yoon led by Chu was canceled after controversy and President Moon even apologized.

Minister Chu, who took office on January 2nd, clashed with Yun during his tenure. Immediately after taking office, Minister Chu encountered a problem with listening to the opinion of the prosecutor general ahead of the promotion and telegram personnel at the prosecutor’s level.

In July, a former reporter for Channel A was suspicious of attempted force, and in October, he exercised command of investigation on the alleged lobbying case for Lime Asset Management and the family case of President Yoon.

It was the first time that the Minister of Justice exercised the investigative command power in 2005 after the then Minister of Justice Chun Jeong-bae initiated the case of Professor Jeong-gu Kang’s violation of the National Security Law. During his tenure of less than one year, Minister Chu exercised his authority to command the investigation twice.

Justice Minister Chu Miae-Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol (PG)

picture explanationJustice Minister Chu Miae-Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol (PG)

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Meanwhile, an investigation into the suspicion of the’preferential vacation’ of Mr. Chu’s son, Mr. Seo, 27, was conducted, and all related cases were unprodicted in September.

In particular, Minister Chu issued a request for disciplinary action by the Prosecutor General and an order to suspend the execution of his duties, which was the first in constitutional history, and the conflict with President Yoon reached its peak.

Minister Chu led two months of suspension while making various noises in the process of inspecting and disciplining President Yoon. However, when the court decided to suspend the disciplinary action against President Yun, the punishment of President Yun was ultimately unsuccessful.

In this process, from the prosecutor’s office to the prosecution’s second-in-command, Deputy Chief Prosecutor Nam-gwan Cho and former Deputy Minister of Justice Koki-young turned their backs to Minister Chu.

In fact, Minister Chu did not focus solely on’fighting’ with Yun during his tenure.

In the early years of office, a proposal to adjust the scope of direct investigation by prosecutors and to give the police the right to terminate the first investigation was passed, and also passed a revised bill of the Airborne Justice Act so that the high-ranking public officials criminal investigation office (airborne) could be launched. It completed the legislative tasks of the’Prosecution Reform’ promoted by the Moon Jae-in administration.

Minister Chu plans to finish the work of recommending two candidates for the first airborne minister. However, it is not expected to remain in place until the launch of the airlift, which is expected next month.

During his tenure of office, Minister Chu also passed an amendment to the Commercial Act, called the ‘3% rule’ and a bill to amend the Civil Act, which in principle prohibits corporal punishment of parents’ children.

Mi-ae Chu, on the way to work

picture explanationMi-ae Chu, on the way to work

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