Autumn leave and a word, these two lowered Yoon Seok-yeol’s approval rating.

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol (left) and Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae. [연합뉴스]

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol (left) and Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae. [연합뉴스]

The life of a star resembles that of a politician. For stars to be born, nebulae in outer space must be collected by gravity. In order to become a politician, it is the same reason that you must have the political power to attract people who are scattered. Whether a star will stop as a dark brown dwarf or a twinkling giant depends on the mass of the star. Just as the difference between such a politician and a big-name politician depends on the political weight.

“The moment of a star will be seen now”, which was made by Kim Jong-in, the chairman of the National Power Emergency Response Committee, to Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-Yeol, became a topic. The momentum of President Yoon, who emerged as the’star of opposition’, seems to have slowed down a little recently.

In the suitability survey for the next presidential candidate released by the Korea Institute of Social Opinion (KSOI) on the 25th, Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong recorded 26.2%, President Yoon Seok-yeol 14.6%, and Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon 14.5%. Compared to the same survey in December last year, Governor Lee rose 2.8 percentage points, while President Yoon and CEO Lee fell 0.4 percentage points and 2.3 percentage points, respectively.

In a survey on the suitability of presidential candidates jointly announced on the 21st by four public opinion polling companies, Embrain Public, Casestat Research, Korea Research, and Korea Research, President Yoon’s decline was even greater. Governor Lee, CEO Lee, and General Yoon earned 27%, 13%, and 10%, respectively. Compared to the same survey two weeks ago, this Governor rose 3% points, while CEO Lee and President Yoon received 2% points and 6% points, respectively. Fell. (For more information, please refer to the website of the Central Election Survey Deliberation Committee.)

Public opinion is inherently invariable, and considering the error of the investigation, it may not be a big change. However, it seems clear that there is a change in the’flow’ that used to draw the upward curve. Kang-yoon Lee, director of KSOI, said, “It is true that the figure was a little lower than when Yun ran the peak.”It is judged that the support strength is decreasing.I said.

Why is this happening?

It is a popular opinion that the role of Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae played a big role in the rise of President Yoon’s popularity. Every time Minister Chu tried to push him down, Yun’s image of a martyr being persecuted grew stronger. Even in the Democratic Party, it was said that “the more Minister Chu hit, the more popular Yun became.”

Then, when Parliament Bum-gye Park was nominated as a candidate for the successor to the Minister of Justice, Minister Chu was virtually sent off stage. At the same time, his exit was sent off by a media article titled’Chu-yoon conflict’. Many experts said, “As Minister Chu retired, The frequency of exposure to the media decreased, and that was reflected in the polls.”He said.

② Hug Jae-in Moon

President Moon Jae-in took a step back and stood by while Minister Chu and President Yoon had a conflict last year. Then, after replacing the Minister of Justice, at the New Year’s press conference on the 18th, when a question about President Yoon came up, “Prosecutor General of the Moon Jae-in government“I replied. He said, “I don’t think I’m playing the role of the prosecutor general while thinking of politics.”

President Yoon is a character who played a symbolic role as an’antithese’ of forces opposing and criticizing President Moon, and it is analyzed that the symbolism became ambiguous when President Moon defined him as a’passporter’.

Although President Yoon is regarded as one of the presidential election runners in the pan-opposition, there are also many members of the National Assembly who have an unfavorable feeling to him. One member of the People’s Power said in his speech, “Looking at it, wasn’t it because of President Yoon?” “The fact that former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye were jailed and suffered conservatives was ultimately done under the leadership of’Prosecutors’ Yoon Seok-yeol.”

President Yoon has never said that he will’do politics’ by himself. All that was when I came to the National Assembly during the state affairs audit of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in October last year and said, “I will slowly think about how to serve our society and the people.” Of course, in the political world, this remark was taken as meaning’it is not without any intention to politics’.

However, because of his ambiguous situation, the people are eager to see whether he has entered politics. According to the results of a survey conducted by Windy Korea Consulting on the 16th and 17th, 33.9% said they thought Yun would run for the presidential election, and 45.9% said they would not. The memory of the people who had caused the wind in the third zone until now finally ended their dreams on the threshold of the presidential election remains strong in the minds of the people.

Then, what will be the approval ratings of President Yoon?

There are many opinions that Yoon’s future approval rating largely depends on the role of candidate Park Bum-gye because it was Minister Choo Mi-ae who played the role of bringing Yoon to the ground. Yoon Tae-gon, head of The Moa’s Political Analysis Office, said, “The approval rating of President Yoon went up because Minister Chu beat him.” If you don’t hit it, you can’t go up.I said.

Candidate Park is also very cautious. Candidate Park replied to the question at the National Assembly’s personnel hearing on the 25th, “Will the prosecution personnel be consulted with President Yoon?” “As long as the president is present, it is necessary to hear the president’s intention in greeting.”

② Changes in the political landscape

Another important variable is the political topography. If there are no influential presidential election runners who deserve pan-opposition as now, the courtship for President Yoon could grow. However, if the 4·7 re-election by-election ends with the victory of the opposition, the need for’far away’ Yun may be relatively small.

Director Kang-yoon Lee said, “Until the mouth of President Yoon clearly said,’I will do politics,’ his approval rating can be seen as having a bubble. Yoon’s supporters have low loyalty and can transfer to someone else at any time.

An important variable that cannot be left out is your will to power. Jang Seong-cheol, director of the Sympathy and Dispute Policy Center, said, “It is up to you to decide whether you will become a luminous body or a reflector in the future,” he said. “To become a candidate for the presidential election, you must show your will.” Yun’s term of office ends in July this year.

Reporter Heo Jin [email protected]
