Authorities “Variable Virus Big Variable… May Return to Nightmare Situation in December”

The spread of mutant virus from UK (GIF)

picture explanationThe spread of mutant virus from UK (GIF)

The quarantine authorities pointed out the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) mutant virus, which is prevalent around the world, including the UK and South Africa (South Africa), as the biggest variable for future quarantine.

At a regular briefing on the 23rd, Kwon Jun-wook, head of the 2nd vice president of the Central Defense Countermeasures Headquarters, said, “The mutant virus has a greater spreading power than the existing virus.”

Deputy General Manager Kwon said, “The infectious disease reproductive index of Corona 19 in Korea is about 0.82, and if the mutant virus originating in the UK spreads widely in Korea, this number will rise to 1.2.”

The infectious disease reproduction index is a number indicating how many people around one confirmed person infect. If this index is 1 or less, it means’trend suppression’, and if it is 1 or more, it means’trend spread’.

Deputy General Manager Kwon said, “According to today’s announcement by the British government, the fatality rate could be higher, which is a very scary situation.” It’s a big variable.”

The British mutant virus is known to have a transmission power of about 1.7 times.

There are three mutant viruses that have been identified in Korea so far, from the UK, South Africa, and Brazil, with a total of 18 infected. Of these, 15 from the UK, 2 from South Africa, and 1 from Brazil.


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