Authorities unable to control group infections of 115 people, “walking out of cars and buying snacks”

Some of the infected people at TCS International School in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, where a group infection of 115 new coronavirus infections (Corona 19) occurred, were confirmed to have left the quarantine area even after they were confirmed, and neighboring residents are complaining of anxiety.

Without control of the quarantine authorities, confirmed patients enter outside the building

To buy snacks except for the parked car…

By the 27th, 115 students from TCS International School in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, who were collectively infected with Corona 19, are boarding the bus to enter the Life Therapy Center.  Freelancer Jeongpil Jang

By the 27th, 115 students from TCS International School in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, who were collectively infected with Corona 19, are boarding the bus to enter the Life Therapy Center. Freelancer Jeongpil Jang

According to Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju on the 27th, some of the confirmed patients, including students and officials who were in temporary quarantine in the TCS International School building, left the quarantine site even after they were tested positive for Corona 19 at 9:30 pm on the 26th.

Gwangju Gwangsan-gu mayor Kim Sam-ho visited the Gwangsan-gu TCS International School on this day in front of the reporters, saying, “In the morning of this day, an international school-related confirmed person was informed to pull out a parked car. ”

In the morning of this morning, when controversy spread after the controversy spread after being caught by residents and reporters of a confirmed person entering and leaving the building without the control of the quarantine authorities, Director Kim explained the matter directly.

“Come to buy items for children wearing masks”

A citizen who identified himself as a self-employed on the 27th is throwing an egg at the TCS International School in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, where 109 COVID-19 outbreaks occurred.  Freelancer Jeongpil Jang

A citizen who identified himself as a self-employed on the 27th is throwing an egg at the TCS International School in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, where 109 COVID-19 outbreaks occurred. Freelancer Jeongpil Jang

Merchants around TCS International School complained of anxiety. This is because the confirmed person was classified as an actual contact and was in a position to be tested for Corona 19. A business owner who was notified that he was classified as a contact sighed, saying, “The children of TCS International School, who had been confirmed for Corona 19 a day ago, wore masks and came to the store to buy goods.” Exhaled.

Gwangsan-gu Office has not been able to determine whether TCS International School students and officials comply with the obligation to self-isolate after undergoing a full corona19 test. This is because employees were put in only after the results of the group infection came out.

“It was difficult to enforce quarantine regulations, such as the duty of self-isolation, which must be followed after the specimens, because infected patients at TCS International School were not subject to mandatory tests because they were in close contact with the existing confirmed cases, but were preemptively tested.” He explained, “After the group infection was confirmed, the police line was built around 10 pm on the 26th, and before that, there were parts that were out of control.”

Group life of up to 11 people in oriental medicine

A police line is installed at the entrance of TCS International School in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, where 109 corona19 confirmed cases have occurred by the 27th.  Freelancer Jeongpil Jang

A police line is installed at the entrance of TCS International School in Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, where 109 corona19 confirmed cases have occurred by the 27th. Freelancer Jeongpil Jang

On this day, the quarantine authorities closed the international school facility after transferring 109 confirmed patients to life treatment centers in Asan and Naju, Cheonan. As a result of the epidemiological investigation, it was found that students at TCS International School in Gwangsan-gu used 14 studios in Jangdeok-dong, Gwangsan-gu and 7 studios in Jingok Industrial Complex, Gwangsan-gu.

According to the city of Gwangju, a large number of students lived in group life in oriental medicine, like other unauthorized educational facilities with confirmed group infections. Three to six young students from the age of 6 to their teens stayed in each room, and up to 11 people lived together in a oriental room. The Gwangju city quarantine authorities are tracking the exact source of infection through individual epidemiological investigations of students and teachers.

Gwangju Metropolitan City = Reporter Jin Changil [email protected]
