Austria Stops AZ Vaccine… “Precautions after reporting the death”

AstraZeneca's Corona 19 Vaccination
AstraZeneca’s Corona 19 Vaccination

[연합뉴스 TV제공. 재판매 및 DB금지]

(Geneva = Yonhap News) Correspondent Im Eun-jin = Austrian authorities have decided to stop AstraZeneca’s use of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine on the 7th (local time) as a preventive measure, Bloomberg and Reuters reported.

The health authorities (BASG) said it was because there were reports of deaths after vaccinating AstraZeneca at a clinic in the northern Zvetl region.

According to the BASG, one (49) died of coagulation dysfunction and the other (35) had pulmonary embolism.

A patient with pulmonary embolism, which causes a blood clot to fall off and flow through the bloodstream to block the pulmonary blood vessels, is currently recovering.

Local media reported that they were nurses working at the Tsvetl clinic.

“There is no evidence that there is a causal relationship (with vaccination),” BASG said. “Especially thrombus-related events are not known as side effects of the vaccine.”

However, BASG announced that “as a precautionary measure, the remaining amount is no longer distributed or inoculated.”

In response, AstraZeneca said that it is a vaccine that has been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) through a global clinical program involving 23,000 people at the local news agency APA. Came out” he emphasized.

He added that he is in contact with Austrian authorities and will support the investigation.

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