Australian man bitten by a crocodile’s head, showing power with bare hands… Open chin

Australian man bitten by a crocodile’s head Open chin

Revision 2021.01.29 17:33Input 2021.01.29 17:33

Good male physique… I’m coming to swim again
Australian government to kill crocodiles

Crocodile. Photos are not related to specific expressions in the article.

[아시아경제 김봉주 기자] In Australia, a man in his 40s who was bitten by a crocodile’s head is a hot topic when he escapes with his bare chin open without losing his calm.

According to CNN and others on the 28th (local time), a 44-year-old man from Queensland in northeastern Australia was bitten by an alligator while swimming in a placid lake in Cairns City.

This alligator, 1.5 to 2 meters long, is said to have a significant portion of the male head in his mouth.

However, the man did not lose his cool, put his hand into the crocodile’s mouth, twisted the crocodile’s upper and lower jaws, and opened the crocodile’s mouth.

Fortunately, the man was able to escape without fatal injuries. However, there was a hole in the head of an alligator bitten by tooth marks, and some of the fingers were injured in the alligator’s teeth.

The man immediately reported to the rescue team, and as a result of the examination, his physical condition such as blood pressure and pulse was very stable.

Rescuer Paul Sweeney said, “If the crocodile had bitten a little bit more in the neck, it would have been dangerous due to damage to the aorta. As soon as his index finger with the open mouth of the crocodile came out, the crocodile immediately shut his mouth again and I was very lucky.” said.

“This man has been swimming here three times a week for the past 8 years,” said Sweeney. “He has a very good physique. I will take this risk and come to swim again next time,” he said.

Upon hearing the news of the accident, the Queensland government’s Ministry of Environment said it was sending staff to the lake to search for alligators that attacked humans, and that they would kill them as soon as they were found.

Humans are rarely attacked by crocodiles in Australia. The state of Queensland cautioned by posting warning signs near crocodile lakes.

Reporter Kim Bong-ju [email protected]

Ilhwa Lee, secret of body misunderstood as’Park Bogum’s girlfriend’ (‘Pyeon Restaurant’)

Revision 2021.01.29 23:44Input 2021.01.29 23:44

Photo = Screen capture of KBS2 entertainment’New Release Edition’.

[아시아경제 김봉주 기자] Actor Lee Il-hwa (51) has revealed the secret of body management.

Lee Il-hwa and Lee Yoo-ri appeared in the KBS2 entertainment show’New Release Edition’ that aired on the 29th.

Lee Yoo-ri said, “The’mother’ decided to come and started making a kimchi crepe cake.

Lee Yoo-ri made a cake shape by stacking kimchi pancakes and mozzarella cheese. Then, it was decorated with cheese and cheongyang pepper cubes.

The’mother’ mentioned by Lee Yoo-ri was Ilhwa Lee. The two met in a drama, a high-father relationship, and continued their relationship.

Lee Il-hwa said, “One of the reasons for doing this drama was because I played with actor Lee Yoo-ri.”

Lee Yoo-ri said, “I was a role model,” and said, “I wanted to be like a senior. Aren’t you too good at managing your body or like this?”

Earlier, Lee Il-hwa received a misunderstanding that she wasn’t a girlfriend when she and Park Bo-gum were taken together during a trip to Phuket.

Lee Yoo-ri said, “She said,’If you eat two meals, you will gain fat.'” Lee Il-hwa said, “I eat one meal.”

Lee Il-hwa, who is getting in shape through exercise, confessed, “I have fallen into Tantsu Play these days.” Tanzplay is a movement that combines modern dance with Pilates.

When Yoo-ri asked for a demonstration, Ilhwa Lee drew attention by tearing his leg at once.

Reporter Kim Bong-ju [email protected]

An employee who died while working in a Chinese factory suspects that he was loaded in the trunk of a car and concealed

Revision 2021.01.29 17:32Input 2021.01.29 16:48

Bereaved “Why is the body in the trunk… it’s not so quiet”

Suspicions have emerged that an employee who died while working at a cement factory in China was loaded into the trunk of a car and concealed. Photo = Global Times capture.

[아시아경제 김봉주 기자] Suspicions have been raised that they attempted to cover up the body of an employee who died in an accident while working at a factory in China, and did not inform the bereaved family in time.

According to Chinese media such as the Sangyou newspaper on the 29th, Wang Mo, a worker at a cement factory in Liyang, Jiangsu Province, had an accident during work on December 31st last year.

However, this news did not reach the bereaved families. The family members were suspicious and searched for whereabouts when Wang, who was working during the daytime, did not return home until late at night with his cell phone turned off.

The bereaved “I called one of the factory managers and kept stuttering. My father was in the hospital only after making a few in a row. I went straight to the hospital, but there was no record of his hospitalization or medical treatment,” he explained.

“The factory side did not tell the truth, but after continuing to accuse him, he said that his father’s body was in the trunk of the car.”

The bereaved family angered, “I learned late that 10 hours of the accident had passed. Why didn’t the factory immediately notify you, didn’t tell the truth? What were you trying to hide?”

The bereaved family tried to take the body home, but the factory moved the body to the morgue of the funeral home without obtaining consent from the bereaved family.

The bereaved family said, “I contacted the factory several times after 10 days of the incident, but I couldn’t reach it,” he said. “I asked for a death certificate at the police box to saddle the body and cremated the body.”

The bereaved family complained that they could not believe the initial investigation by the police, saying, “There was no consolation from the factory for the month of the incident.”

According to a police investigation, the deceased suffered an accident while working, was transferred to a hospital, and died after treatment. The bereaved is in the position that “if the rescue was done, the body would not be in the trunk.”

This was known when Wang’s daughter posted it on Weibo on the 26th and was reported in local media.

The authorities of Liyang city announced on the 27th that they formed an incident investigation team and ordered safety maintenance while stopping production activities at the plant. In addition, the factory apologized to the bereaved family and demanded that they be post-processed.

Reporter Kim Bong-ju [email protected]
