Aungsan, who was under house arrest, moved to somewhere.

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Aungsan, who was under house arrest, moved to somewhere.

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Seoyoon Choi |
2021-02-27 00:30 sent

Myanmar residents in South Korea are calling for the release of state adviser Aung San Suu Kyi detained at the “Rally Against the Myanmar Military Coup and Calling for the Transfer of the Civilian Government Regime” held in front of the military officer at the Myanmar Embassy in Seongdong-gu, Seoul. The Myanmar military ministry blocked access to social network services (SNS) such as Twitter and Instagram on the 5th to prevent the national protest movement calling for overthrow of the military dictatorship. 2021.2.7/News1 © News1 Reporter Oh Dae-il

After the military coup in Myanmar on the 1st, state adviser Aung San Suu Kyi, who was being detained under house arrest, was moved from his home to an unknown place, Myanmar Now reported, citing sources on the 26th (local time).

According to sources from the National League for Democracy (NLD), Suu Kyi was taken from his home in Myanmar’s capital, Naepido, to an unknown location six days ago.

“We no longer know where the shame torture is being held,” said a senior NLD source who requested anonymity. Another source said, “The shame torture was expelled from his home.”

Mayor Mio Aung Naepido, a neighbor of the shame adviser, was also detained in an unknown location after the coup, Myanmar Now said.

After being detained by the military, Suu Kyi’s torture is being charged with possession of a walkie-talkie and violating the National Disaster Law. The lawyer said on the 16th that a shame torture was revealed in a hearing conducted with a burn, but interviews were banned. The next trial will be held on March 1.

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